There are no free beds for kovid patients, the hospitals are full, the sick drive to PETROVAC NA MLAVI


Minister Zlatibor Loncar announced two days ago that hospitals in Belgrade are almost completely full and that the situation in the capital is dramatically confirmed by the situation on the ground.

Namely, last week, the ambulance team took many patients with positive kovid to Mladenovac, Smederevo and Požarevac. However, the list of places sick Belgraders are sent to is now further expanded.

As revealed by Dr. Nataša Bosiljčić from the emergency room overnight for the RTS morning show, patients with the crown were even transported to Petrovac na Mlavi, 130 kilometers from the capital.

– There are almost no places in hospitals in Belgrade. On the other hand, more and more patients call us who call 194, who have symptoms of kovida or similar, ask for advice, what to do – said Bosiljčić.

During the night, the ambulance transported the corona-infected patients to the hospitals in Belgrade, but also to the interior.

According to the latest data, in the last 14 days, Belgrade has more than 925 infected people per 100,000 inhabitants, which places it one step away from the last: the black crown area!


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