There are no concessions of measures, this is the peak of tolerance


A member of the Crisis Staff, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon, said that after the New Year and Christmas holidays, there was no increase in the number of people infected with the coronavirus, but that the epidemiological situation remains unfavorable. He also said that preventive measures must remain in force until further notice, that this is the peak of tolerance, that is, that the medical part of the Crisis Staff is still in favor of more restrictive measures.

Kon told the Crisis Staff press conference that he was encouraging that there was no increase in the number of infected after the holidays, but that he pointed out that the number of patients was still high and that the epidemiological situation could not be characterized more than unfavorable.

“The current measures have shown that they are working and that the number is slowly decreasing,” Kon said, emphasizing that it is important that as many people as possible get vaccinated as soon as possible, and that we should not relax with the drop in the number of infected.

Speaking about the new wave of the epidemic in Europe, caused mainly by a new strain of coronavirus, Kon said that if it occurs in Serbia, it will be the “hump” of this same wave, rather than the fourth wave of the epidemic.

“It all depends on how much you develop. We do not expect it to be as dramatic as the third one, but we cannot say that we live outside the world.” If that is happening in Europe, if that tension is spreading so much, we cannot say that it is impossible Kon warned.

“Precisely because of that relaxation at this hour, and God forbid, until further notice, it shouldn’t be like that. This is the pinnacle of tolerance. I believe that the medical part (Crisis Staff) would continue to be due to restrictive measures. “But we think about everything rationally, we see that there are results, but it would be faster if it were more restrictive, but there would also be problems,” he added.

Relaxing the measures is not realistic at all, especially when schools need to start up and when we have a new generation in Europe, Kon said.

“It should be understood that (the beginning of school) will certainly lead to an increase in acute respiratory infections that would otherwise occur. One should wait, not joyfully, for the flu to appear. That is all that will present us with difficulties in the next period ”, he warned.

The abolition of the mandatory PCR test is a political decision

Speaking about the decision to abolish the mandatory PCR test for entry into Serbia for citizens of five neighboring countries, Kon said it was a “political decision” related to the so-called “Mini Schengen”.

“Since currently the situation is similar in those countries, then it is not a special epidemiological problem, while for others it is the same as before,” Kon said.

Orthopedics no later than Monday

Provincial Health Secretary Zoran Gojković pointed out that the situation in hospitals is much better than it was and that the intention is to train orthopedic departments as soon as possible due to weather conditions.

As he noted, the Banjica Institute will start work on Monday at the latest, and the same applies to orthopedic hospitals in Vojvodina.

“We must adhere to the measures, they are crucial considering everything that is happening in the environment and in other countries in Europe and the world,” Gojković said.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
