There are more and more patients and the situation in Belgrade is CRITICAL


“We are registering an increase in new infections, the lower number of yesterday is a consequence of the week, and today I expect the maximum number so far. Close to or more than 4,000 new cases. We cannot say that the situation has stabilized,” said the Dr. Predrag Kon as a guest on TV Prva.

– We are now in the seventh week since the start of this increase in Belgrade, it is to be expected that there will be a leveling, but it is obvious that we have not implemented enough measures for that to happen. The growth we expect today, we will see it in the next few days, I hope we stabilize the situation.

As he says, the situation in Belgrade is critical.

– Everyone, like Dr. Tiodorović, wants the number of infected to begin to decrease in early December. That is something that should happen. I stressed that we have experience transitioning from fall to winter for the first time before, we have to distance ourselves. We want and hope that, and we will see if it will be so.

New hot spots have appeared throughout Serbia.

– In principle, it is an overflow, something typical of respiratory infections. The focus is where there are more people, Belgrade is the largest center, here the most difficult situation is expected from the beginning. All of Serbia is affected, but it is not the same. Belgrade, Kragujevac, Kraljevo, Nis, some places rose, so it leveled off, but Belgrade is constantly growing, that’s the only problem, along with Novi Sad.

Dr. Kon also touched on the new measures that are going into effect today.

– As for the measures, I would like to see them taken sooner, I welcome them, we have proposed stricter measures, which does not mean that I do not expect them to produce results – added Dr. Kon.

When it comes to hospital capabilities, Dr. Kon said there are not enough for normal work.

– This is an absolutely emergency situation for health. If we say that before filming it sounds complicated, and it has become acceptable. It is a situation that generates so much stress for workers, it cannot be described – he said.

About the vaccine

Dr. Cohn also noted that it is obvious that the vaccine will arrive sooner than expected.

– According to what we hear from the authorities and the president, it will probably arrive before the end of the year and in greater numbers. The readiness plan should start working because it is a logistically huge job, Dr. Kon said.

When asked by reporters how it could be done in a year, and previously some five to 10 year vaccines needed to be safe, Dr. Kon said that “that’s why there is a drug and medical device agency and legislation you must to determine the safety of the vaccine “.

– Never has so much attention been paid to vaccine production, technologies have sped up the process, testing phases must be carried out. We are simply finding obstacles, the security mechanisms that the state has so that the vaccine is safe. The Immunization Committee, the Infectious Diseases Commission of the Republic, should speed things up. The pharmaceutical agency must prepare a plan in parallel. The plan is important. We know that the vaccine must be for emergency immunization. There is a special act prescribed by the Minister of Health and it is based on all the proposals – explained Dr. Kon.

He added that he would definitely receive the vaccine.

Speaking about the corona virus in schools, he said that it is not a significant problem, but that the influx of the virus to these institutions will be increasing.

– The system is designed so that schools do not have to close. The question of the type of organization is how many teachers can not work, it is for each school individually. It is a huge monitoring job, the contacts are being monitored and now the communal militia will participate. My opinion is that it is important that epidemiologists get rid of that part of the monitoring – he said.

At the time of closing the borders, the doctor said that we are behaving in accordance with the situation in the world and that there are no great changes.

– We have a bigger problem to stop the expansion in our country, than with imports. Whoever comes must report to the surveillance system and they will go through the ambulance – said Dr. Kon.

He also spoke about asymptomatic cases and the actual number of infected people.

– We have a study that has been done, I am waiting for it to be published. Around 20% of citizens have immunity, they have antibodies and that means they have been in contact with the virus. The natural solution to any pandemic is more than 60 percent of those who have immunity, either infection or immunization. We will increase the immunity to vaccination with Vkacin, and we also have this natural – added Dr. Kon.

Once again he noted that the optimistic news is that the vaccine is yet to come.
