There are more and more of them in your home, and there are FOODS that these insects DO NOT tolerate


Entomologist from the Serbian Institute for Nature Protection Aleksandra Zatezalo revealed when the stink bug infestation will finally stop and why it is never bigger now.

She discovered that stink bugs seek a warm place to shelter, which are usually homes, and also gave a recipe on how to get rid of them.

photo: Profimedia

“Insecticides can be used, as well as natural preparations based on garlic and vinegar. This will keep them away for a while, but these treatments must be repeated because when their effects stop, they will reappear ”, he pointed out in the morning program of“ Prva TV ”and added:

“When the coldest days and the first frosts begin, they recede further and there is no more. Then, with the arrival of a more serious negative temperature. They can appear only somewhere warm in smaller quantities, but not in such large quantities” .


– Garlic (4 teaspoons)

– Water (2 cups)

– Spray bottle with cap

photo: Profimedia

One way is to chop the onion and leave it in the places where stink bugs most often enter your home. Another way is to make a spray with a mixture of onion and water and spray the critical points. You can also use this spray on clothes, but in that case, be careful not to push people away from you.Đ.

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Author: delivery courier
