There are 2 possible reasons why the former director of Zastava Oruzja raised his hand against himself


Kragujevac resident Dragan Petrusic, 66, a former CEO of the Zastava Oruzje factory, hanged himself at home after doctors told him he had a corona virus. However, only he knew why he made the decision to take his own life.

“He was a decent man and a true professional. We did not go out in private, but I appreciated him as an engineer. We were all horrified by the news of the suicide. He almost retired, and we learned that he had a crown and moderate form,” he said. It is for Kurir Dragan Ilić from the “Zastava oružje” factory.

As he explains, he does not want to claim what motivated Petrusic to commit suicide. He certainly did so after learning that he was suffering from kovida 19. The messenger learns that many believe that was the trigger and that the retired engineer could not bear the uncertainty.

According to the second version mentioned, Petrusic had “unsolved” jobs related to his career at the factory, which could even have led to a serious lawsuit.

“I do not think it is the crown. He had problems that lasted for years. Probably someone threatened that it would all be discovered and it would end in court, and he could not bear it,” our source believes.

Dragan Petrusic
photo: Private Archive

We received confirmation from the Superior Prosecutor’s Office, which ordered the autopsy, that it was a suicide case. Petrusic’s wife found the corpse hanged and already dead in the family home. Apart from her, the children mourn the suicide, but also many grandchildren with whom Petrusic played often and with great pleasure.

Suicide is always a personal act, and no one dares to claim the exact cause or at no time was a drop spilled on the glass of life. The fact is that Petrusic found out that he was ill and then hanged himself. Since the beginning of the pandemic, there has been a large increase in depressive states, but also suicides.


Since the beginning of the pandemic, more than 500 patients have been hospitalized at the “Dr. Laza Lazarevic” clinic and around 3,500 outpatient examinations have been carried out, to this number must be added more than 7,000 calls to the National Psychosocial Assistance Line in Epidemics and almost the same number of calls to the SOS suicide prevention line. An increase in the number of calls is also expected if the situation with the coronavirus develops in a similar way to the countries of the region.

“It is not difficult to recognize when someone in our environment is going through a difficult period in a psychological sense. Deviations from normal patterns of behavior and functioning, sudden mood swings or sudden withdrawal, unusual tension or irritability, sadness or worry without apparent La reason are common indicators that a person has difficulty going through what is happening in their environment or within themselves, “says Dr. Stašević Karličić, acting director of the” Dr. Laza Lazarević “clinic.


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