Theodore: Expect an increase in the number of patients in two weeks VIDEO


Due to the return of people from summer vacations and the failure to comply with the measures in some situations in our country, an increase in the number of people suffering from coronavirus can be expected in two weeks.

Source: B92, Tanjug

Photo: Tv Prva

Photo: Tv Prva

This was stated by the epidemiologist and member of Crisis Tab, Professor Dr. Branislav Tiodorovi.

He told “Politika” that going to the sea was a risk that he did not recommend, but that citizens, despite those recommendations, went on vacation.

According to interest, people spent summers in various countries, from Croatia to Albania, despite the fact that in those countries a greater number of patients were registered than in our country, and Tiodorovi points out that there are those who spent their vacations in our mountains and spas. traveled recommended measures.

I was surprised to see a large number of people at the Jagodina water park, where no one wears a mask or keeps a distance. Not to mention various musical events and celebrations in many Serbian cities. Due to the school, a large number of patients will certainly not appear, but we will record only sporadic cases, the epidemiologist said.

“When we say that the ban on gathering more than 30 people is in effect, we didn’t say where. So this also applies to houses. Any gathering of a large number of people in a house or apartment is a risk. Therefore It should be noted that it is, and it is not allowed. “The glory celebration season will begin soon. It can be celebrated, but with a small number of people and respecting the measures”, says Dr. Tiodorovi.

He affirms that despite everything, we must be aware that a natural process is taking place: the new virus of the nation.

“Many young people have had the virus without symptoms in the previous period. This means that our population is being tested. We do not know exactly how many citizens have acquired immunity, and we can only know if a large number of respondents are included,” concluded Tiodorovi.

He confirmed for TV Prva that the situation is not favorable.

“It awaits us in the coming months, it cannot end quickly,” he says.

It also says that the assessment and assessment of the epidemiological situation is done on a daily basis, especially from the countries to which our citizens travel, and according to these data the dangers of the return of our citizens are assessed.

“They also have to think about how they are behaving,” he adds.

He states that there is no reason to panic, but there are reasons for caution and flu vaccination is very important.

“To prevent the virus from mixing, we recommend getting vaccinated as soon as possible,” he explains.

Click on the video.
