THEFT PREVENTED IN REPEATED ELECTIONS IN SABAC: Did they try to steal bags with electoral material and transfer them to Zelenovic’s car? (VIDEO)


A car with electoral material from the village of Sevarice was reportedly intercepted there.

The vehicles that transported the voting material to the Sabac Municipal Administration building after the polls closed, were under the watchful eye of the main rivals, the SNS and “Together for Serbia”. Especially since these others were prohibited from participating in the manipulation of the voting material and the counting, and they could only observe the process from the sidelines. That is why they did it with great care, and so that they did not miss any important detail.

– All the cars in which the voting material was conducted were accompanied by other cars, which was not a secret among the participants in the process. Ševarice’s car traveled to the Šabac municipal administration and it seemed that everything was going well. However, suddenly, one of them stopped in the center of Pričinović. At that moment another car approached him and they began to move the bags in another vehicle – says our interlocutor from the investigation.

When the people in the escort saw what was happening, they could do nothing more than block his path with their car and call the police. By the time members of the Interior Ministry arrived at the scene, a significant number of party activists had already gathered in the center of Pričinović.


That same night, while the votes were still being counted, the media in favor of Nebojsa Zelenovic declared a great victory in Sevarice. This place with about 400 houses and 893 voters, by itself, does not affect the electoral process in Sabac in any way, but this is where one of Dusan Petrovic’s oldest and most important advisers and associates comes from.

– The driver of the car with which the voting material was transferred to Sabac justified that his vehicle broke down, so his colleagues came to his aid with another car, in which they wanted to transfer the suitcases. He did not explain how he knew in advance that his car would break down right in the center of Pričinović, says our interlocutor and reveals that the car that allegedly came to the rescue was very similar to the private vehicle used by Nebojsa Zelenović.

According to our interlocutor, the people who prevented the material from being transported in another car and asked for the help of the police were SNS activists who did not even hide. However, the party was immediately denounced for allegedly attempting to steal its ballots.

– The police could not do more than register the fact, but of course, they legitimized all those involved. It turned out that the driver of the car, who came to the aid of members of the ZZS polling stations, is on the wanted list. He is the only person who was arrested that night, and he is not a good young man who did not have an identity card, as he presented himself later – says our source.

Fortunately, except for sporadic verbal conflicts, there were no incidents.

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