The youngest son of a Serbian businessman YATE KILLED a policewoman and her fiancé, punished him with the supervision of his parents, THE PROSECUTOR REQUESTS A TRIAL AGAIN


The Basic State Prosecutor’s Office in Kotor filed an appeal against the verdict against the minor MS, who was sentenced to an intensified educational supervision measure and 120 hours of community service for causing a maritime accident in which Maja Sljivancanin died and resulted in injured Vladimir Stanisic.

The non-procedural panel of the Podgorica High Court will decide on the prosecutor’s appeal in the coming days, Dan writes.

The verdict handed down by Judge Momirka Tesic, which moved the Montenegrin public, determined that the measure could last from six months to two years, with the court subsequently deciding its termination.

According to the verdict, a minor from Belgrade will carry out a special measure of performance of socially useful or humanitarian work for a maximum of 120 hours in a period of six months, but so that the work does not interfere with his education or employment, and if not does, the special obligation can be superseded. another special obligation, that is, another educational measure.

The injured family’s representative, Vlado Sljivancanin, and the injured Stanisic were referred to litigation to establish legal property claims.

On July 11, MS collided with a boat on a yacht in Budva Bay, killing Maja Sljivancanin and wounding her fiancé Vladimir Stanisic.

The yacht and boat were moving from the island of Sveti Nikola to the Jaz beach.

Montenegrin PolicePhoto: Blic / RAS Serbia

Montenegrin Police

MS claims that he did not see the ship in front of him.

In mid-August, the Kotor Court of First Instance accepted a bail of 332,000 euros offered by the family of the accused to defend himself against freedom.

At the trial, MS expressed its regret for everything that happened, and the representatives of the injured parties assessed that it did not do so sincerely.

– The indisputable facts of the evidence presented indicate that the defense of the minor MS in the part in which he affirms that at the moment of contact of his ship with “Pasar” the bow was oriented towards the sun, for which he was quite blinded, it is meaningless by the final statement of maritime expert Aleksandar Božović. which states that you can exclude the possibility of glare in a specific situation, and that if visibility was reduced for any reason, then MS was obliged to observe even more – said the lawyer for the aggrieved party Milija Šaranović in the courtroom.

In his final remarks, he said that the basic and only reason for this maritime accident was speed, which was not safe.

The expert opinion indicates that the minor caused a maritime accident by not adhering to international standards on the prevention of collisions at sea, as well as to article 10 of the Maritime Navigation Safety Law.
