The young people immediately told him: Divorce as soon as possible! (PHOTO)



10.09.2020. 19:55

wedding, newlyweds, wedding

Photo: Shutterstock

The bride’s uncle, shocked by the groom’s mother’s behavior, shared photos from the wedding and the mother-in-law ended up in a pillar of shame.

Is it normal for a mother-in-law to behave like this?

That is to say, although at first glance it seems to you that they are photographs of the bride and groom, in reality the “bride and groom” are mother and son, while the bride in each photograph stands aside.

The mother of the groom wore a white lace dress that irresistibly resembles a wedding dress, and furthermore, she did not separate from her son for a moment.

– I am very sorry for my sister, the only consoling thing is that the groom’s parents live 1,500 km from them – says the uncle, adding that he is dismayed by the behavior of his mother-in-law.

– They danced the first dance instead of being newlyweds and she was not separated for a second from her son – says the uncle who posted the photo on Reddit, where everyone agreed with his assessment, adding that the mother-in-law is “creepy” , and some are proposed to divorce immediately.
