The young man who was brutally killed and whose murder has not yet been solved, was CLOSE TO THE MISSING FAN!


Aleksandar Halabrin (26) from the village of Janosik, who was kidnapped, killed and buried near Sopot in March, had close friendly relations with Lazar Vukicevic (31), a Red Star fan, who mysteriously disappeared on 15 October in Banovo brdo in Belgrade. , Kurir finds out.

According to our source, it is being verified whether these two events are related, that is, whether Halabrin and Vukićević were the target of the same criminal group.

alibegphoto: Nemanja Nikolić, Private Archive

– Halabrin disappeared on March 20 in Banjica, and his body with a gunshot wound to the head was found in a shallow grave in a field in Sopot on May 16. It has not been revealed who kidnapped, tortured and killed the young man. It is interesting that the murdered man was also close to the former leader of Partizan fans, Nenad Alajbegović Alibeg (39), who was seriously injured in New Belgrade on November 3, says a source familiar with the case, adding that it cannot be ruled out. the possibility that Vukićević is also a crime victim.

That Halabrin, Vukićević and Alibeg were friends was also confirmed by Halabrin’s mother, who has been trying for eight months to find out who killed her son and why.

– I know the three of them went out together. It is true that my son did not tell me much about his friendships with the fans, but he did mention these young people. Also, I don’t even know where my Aleksandar came from in that company, because, as far as I know, he wasn’t a fan. He didn’t go to the games, Mara Halabrin says for Kurir.

Witness the shooting

Bran Alibega

When Nenad Alajbegović was wounded in late January at Ulica narodnih heroja in New Belgrade, Aleksandar Halabrin was with him. Then, seriously injured, he put him in a taxi and took him to the doctor.

– Alexander did not feel well for days after that, he was visibly upset – says Mara Halabrin.

The inconsolable woman says that in March, when her son disappeared, she contacted Alibeg.

– Alibeg called me then and told me to go to the police to report the disappearance “so that something bad wouldn’t happen.” That ‘s what I did. During the search and my agony, we listened to each other several more times and he told me that he had not heard anything from Aleksandar and that nothing was said about him in the city – says Mara and adds that after her son’s funeral she lost contact with Alibeg , but also with the rest of his companions.

He was the target

They blew up his “Porsche”

Lazar Vukićević, who was arrested for injuring Partizan Nikola Vavić fans, has been targeted by attackers before. An unknown person planted and activated a bomb under his “Porsche” last year. The car exploded in Vracar, in front of the house where Vukicevic lives. He was not in the car at the time of the explosion, so he passed without injury.

– Nobody answers anymore. Aleksandar’s friend, who took him to Belgrade on that fateful day, is no longer there. He does not respond – says the mother and continues: – The son met VK on the fateful day, who is also in the waters of the fan, and is the last person he contacted. VK was arrested in May, but is allegedly unaware of the disappearance and murder. – Kurir team

Photo: Private archive

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Author: delivery courier
