THE YOUNG MAN WAS SITTING WITHOUT A MASK IN THE BUS when the Busplus drivers arrived, their reaction KNOWN the passengers (PHOTO)


As of today a stricter control of the use of protective masks in public transport vehicles has been announced, the inhabitants of Belgrade have been informed that they will be “filmed” by bus, tram and trolleybus drivers, members of the communal militia , controllers, but also inspectors who will be in charge of punishment. …

But we tried to find out the real situation in the countryside with a “routine” trip from Banovo Brdo to the city center.

The boy without a mask on the busPhoto: VV / RAS Serbia

The boy without a mask on the bus

At first glance, we could conclude that the vast majority of passengers have masks, that perhaps only five or ten percent of citizens try to avoid this measure, but it is also a fact that certainly a quarter of passengers wear the wrong mask. , mostly only on the mouth, and among them are numerous public transport drivers.

During the half-hour journey, we did not notice the public services or inspectors in control, but there were several teams of Busplus controllers who got into the vehicle on line number 23 from Banovo Brdo to Nikola Pašić square.

When a 25-year-old man without a mask was sitting in front of the “Blic” reporter, we had an ideal opportunity to see how the Busplus controllers react in such situations.

After they started the usual control, with the words “control, please prepare your tickets”, they reached the young man who was sitting without a mask. They asked him for a ticket, thanked him when he showed it to them, but they didn’t even advise him to wear a protective mask in transport.

Notice for bus masksPhoto: VV / RAS Serbia

Notice for bus masks

– They didn’t tell him he didn’t have a mask, but they continued with ticket control. I know that this is not their main task, but I suppose it is more logical that they attract the attention of passengers than drivers who have to take care of the safety of citizens – said an elderly fellow citizen.

By the way, on the entrance doors of all public transport vehicles there are notices that masks are mandatory in vehicles.
