The young injured bodyguard is a lawyer! The shooter pulled a pistol from his black jacket.


BELGRADE – A young man was shot on Resavska Street around 10 am this morning. They shot him in the leg and he was taken by ambulance to the Dedinje Orthopedic Institute.

As Kurir unofficially finds out, a young S. Š. He was hurt. (28), who at that time was with a lawyer with whom he was an associate. He was injured in the leg because he protected MV lawyer with his body

Resavska, shot
photo: Courier

The injured young man was transferred to the Dedinje Orthopedic Institute.

According to eyewitnesses to the shooting, 4 to 5 bullets were fired. Police were called in by a waitress from a nearby cafe, and eyewitnesses said the attacker was wearing a dark, black or navy blue jacket, glasses, and that he pulled a pistol from his jacket and fired, after which he ran to the right. from the church of San Marcos.


delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
