The worst day since the beginning of the epidemic: kovid claimed 21 more lives, 3,536 newly infected



A patient with bilateral pneumonia died in Leskovac

At Kovid hospital in Leskovac, 18 patients, two were referred to KC Nis.

A 75-year-old patient passed away last night. He was admitted last night in serious condition with bilateral pneumonia. A coronavirus test has not been performed.


In the district of Macva, 98 new infected, the majority in Sabac 44

There are 98 newly infected people in the Macva district, the majority in Sabac, 44. There are 418 active patients in Sabac and 916 in the district.

The number of patients in the Sabac hospital is increasing, 70 patients have been admitted, most with a moderate clinical picture, and 30% of the capacity has been filled.

Yesterday 289 patients were examined in the outpatient clinic, 141 attended the examination for the first time and 62 tests were performed.

Infected with 24 health workers from the hospital and ten from the Health Center.


2,959 patients were hospitalized

In Serbia, according to the latest data, another 3,536 people were infected with coronavirus out of the 12,514 tested.

Another 21 people died as a result of kovida-19, a total of 936 deaths since the beginning of the epidemic.

2,959 patients were hospitalized, of which 143 were on respirators.

So far, a total of 1,455,156 samples have been analyzed.

The temporary hospital in Stark Arena is filling up fast. Currently, 447 patients are housed, and there are a total of 510 beds. The coordinator of this temporary hospital, Dr. Vlado Batnožić, tells RTS that there are 250 patients on oxygen and that these are quite serious patients with unilateral or bilateral pneumonia who require serious clinical therapy.

There are also more and more hospitalized in other hospitals. KBC Zvezdara director Petar Svorcan says that currently 371 kovid patients are cared for at that health institution, and that the occupancy rate at that kovid hospital is 90 percent.

Education Minister Branko Ružić said that the situation in schools regarding the coronavirus is not alarming and does not indicate the need to close them for now. He stated that the idea of ​​having winter break at the same time for all students throughout the territory of Serbia is being discussed, and that this will be the topic of the next session of crisis staff.

As of Friday at 7:00 p.m., new measures against Kosovo will take effect in Kosovo and Metohija, which provide for the introduction of curfews in Pristina, Podujevo, Gjakova, Gjilan, Ferizaj, Kosovo Polje, Obilic and Stimlje. The curfew will last until five in the morning, and the mentioned municipalities are in the red zone of contagion risk.
