The world is excited about NEW QUICK TESTS that will reveal the crown in half an hour, and here they are coming to Serbia.


Tests for the infectious disease Kovid-19, which will show results in 15 to 30 minutes, will soon be on the market worldwide. This latest invention should originally be introduced and used in countries that have limited resources, as they do not require significant laboratory infrastructure, as well as PCR tests, which are otherwise the most reliable in diagnosing coronavirus.

As the Serbian branch of the World Health Organization told “Blic”, these antigen tests are considered an addition to, but not a substitute for, PCR tests.

20200925 epa lex vanlieshout utrecht Di020266867 previewPhoto: Lex Van Lieshout / EPA;

20200925 epa lex vanlieshout utrecht Di020266867 preview

– They provide reliable results in approximately 15 to 30 minutes, instead of the hours or days required for the PCR test, and at a lower price with less sophisticated equipment – WHO told “Blic”.

The use of these rapid tests allows for further testing, especially in those countries that do not have laboratory capacity or a sufficient number of health professionals trained to perform PCR tests. This is especially important when there is a risk of a large spread of the virus.

The sooner kovid-19 is diagnosed, the sooner steps can be taken to treat and isolate people with the virus and find their contacts.

Pregnancy-like tests give a result in a maximum of 30 minutes. If the test is positive, two blue lines appear on the screen. The World Health Organization approved these tests last week.

Faster and cheaper to use

As the WHO explains, antigen tests are something of an alternative, because they are cheaper, faster and easier to use, but they are still not as reliable as PRC tests. By the way, its price is a whopping five dollars.

– Based on previous knowledge, these tests show the best results if used in patients with a high viral load, which usually occurs 1 to 3 days before the onset of symptoms, as well as in the early stages of the disease (first 5- 7 days) – WHO explained for “Blic”.

Photo: Tanjug / AP

When it comes to a patient who has symptoms of coronavirus for more than five days, this test is more likely to show false negative results.

When the tests will be introduced

The WHO and its main partners have agreed to distribute 120 million rapid tests next month, and according to Katarina Beme, executive director of the nonprofit Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics, the first quantities will go to 20 African countries.

Since Serbia has quite a large capacity for PCR testing, the exact information on when the use of rapid antigen tests might start in our country is not known.

When should rapid tests be used?

The WHO has issued guidelines on when they can be used and it is recommended that these tests be used:

  • In countries where PCR tests are not available
  • In case of suspicion of an epidemic in gender or closed groups / collectives (such as schools, nursing homes, work groups and student residences, as well as prisons) with the recommendation that these tests be used for the rapid detection and isolation of positive cases as well as additional PCR test of those who tested negative for antigen
  • In the case of the need to monitor the trend and frequency of the disease, especially among health professionals.
  • When it is necessary to reduce the time to diagnose new cases in settings where widespread transmission has been confirmed in the community.
  • And even in the close contact test conditions, confirmed positive cases.
