THE WORKERS SCREAMED FOR HAPPINESS A company in Serbia distributed BONUSES and the employees were completely shocked by the zeros


Employees of a store in Serbia certainly had no idea that at the time of the crown, when layoffs are spreading en masse in the world and people are afraid of jobs, they will receive a bonus from their company, for the incredible amount of 500,000 dinars.

While we read the world news about the growth of the property of the richest people and the great success of the technology industry, we are not even aware that there is a real “boom” in our country in a certain branch of the economy. Proof of this is the relocation of the trading company, which delighted employees across Serbia with a bonus 63% higher than the previous year.

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“Such a large bonus was paid because the last year was a great year for us,” they said from that company.

At first, the workers were shocked by the amount received, then a cry of joy was heard, as they “came to their senses” and realized what had really happened, then laughter and congratulations followed.

“We always do our best, but nobody expected something like that, especially now that the crown has taken over and everything in the world has been shaken,” said a visibly happy worker.

As the company officially announced, its bonus system works so that the employees of each store have the opportunity to earn a bonus according to the growth in turnover of that store compared to the previous year, which means that there are differences in the bonus paid between stores.

In this way, as they point out, they also nurture team spirit, since the rotation bonus is paid on the basis of joint work, regardless of the position, and the bonus is distributed to all employees in equal proportions.

Considering that the result achieved is rewarded, this year the best store had the opportunity to obtain a bonus in the amount of almost 500,000 dinars for each of the employees.

“We believe that employees are motivated when they are rewarded for their success, especially since there is no upper limit on the amount of bonuses. In the end, everyone is aware that any extra effort is worth it,” said one of the managers of the company.

Bonuses: a way to motivate workers

Employers these days are paying more and more attention to sharing bonuses and various benefits for employees, which is why consulting firms include them in their salary research reports.

Bonuses represent an additional monetary incentive, and this form of reward plays an important role in the overall motivation of employees, thanks to which the employer can provide a competitive advantage in the fight for talent.

The real estate agency made workers happy for Christmas

A Maryland company made a similar move with worker bonuses when it distributed red envelopes to its employees at the holiday celebration.

So when 198 employees received a staggering $ 50,000 bonuses on average, it was a Christmas miracle they weren’t expecting. The total number of all bonuses was around $ 10 million.

Each employee received an amount based on the number of years of service with the company. The lowest amount was $ 100 for a newly hired person who hasn’t even started work, while the highest was $ 270,000.
