The workers opened the car when they were blown up by the DEAD GAS!


NEDELJKO SHOULD RETIRE SOON, BUT DIED AT WORK: Workers were opening a car when deadly gas exploded!

Photo: Kurir, Jelena Ivić / Kurir, Stefan Stojanović

The tragedy occurred on Friday morning around 9.45, when the workers of the company “Ening Energetika” arrived at the RTS parking lot to carry out repairs on the air conditioning system. When they got out of the car, a terrible explosion broke out, killing Nedeljka T. on the spot and seriously injuring his colleague. Nenad P. (50), an RTS driver, who was sitting in the car in the parking lot, was also slightly injured in the accident.

chaos in the parking lot
chaos in the parking lotphoto: Courier

– From the beginning, it is not clear what happened, and the police took over the surveillance footage of the television building. Apparently the workers did not even start work when the tragedy occurred, says our source of the investigation:

a worker died between two cars
a worker died between two carsphoto: Courier

– According to one version, they had gas cylinders and bottles with carbon dioxide in the car, which is used in welding, but they stayed in the car. When they returned to the parking lot and tried to unlock the car with the remote, something was welded and the car was blown up. Another version of the events that could be heard at the scene of the tragedy was that the workers began to cheat, so there was an explosion.

The family was speechless

As we found out, Nedeljko T. was supposed to be retiring soon. Friends say he was a seasoned worker and they can’t believe such a tragedy happened. His family did not want to speak to the media yesterday. – I’m in shock, please don’t. I don’t want to say anything – said the victim’s wife.

– In any case, such a tragedy could have been caused by a faulty valve on the gas bottle or a broken hose. However, it is confusing that the bottles remained intact, and the images also show that they were burned on the surface – added Kurir’s source and stated that the detonating variant of the car is currently the most likely option.

demolished car
demolished carphoto: Courier

As we discovered, the police also inspected the crash site yesterday morning.

– They took one of the damaged cars. Firefighters and rescuers also attended the investigation – said our interlocutor.

It should be recalled that on Friday, after the explosion, workers who were working on repairing the asphalt near the nearby Fifth Gymnasium came to the aid of Nedeljko T. and Zoran P.


The police took the bottles

As we learned, the bottles that were left intact and that were burned in the car were sent for expert inspection. – Valves, pressure gauge and check valve will be checked in them. The bottle itself is quite strong, but valve or gasket leakage can occur, says the source.

– We hear a detonation and a man calling for help. When we got there, one worker was dead, the explosion caused serious head, arm and shoulder injuries, and the other had serious head injuries and was calling for help. We took him to the entrance of RTS and handed him over to the doctors, we told him all the time that he would be fine – MP said J.Ivić – J.Rafailović

Photo: Kurir, Stefan Stojanović

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
