The words of Dr. Tiodorović resonate: You have to listen to what he said about the next days about the crown



02.11.2020. 20:39

Dr. Tiodorović stated that the population was warned to take care of their health

Branislav Tiodorović

Branislav Tiodorović, Photo: Tanjug

Number of newly infected korona virusom in Belgrade it is growing exponentially, in Vojvodina and part of western Serbia there is a marked increase in the number of infected, while in Nis the epidemiological situation can still be evaluated as uncertain, but with a tendency to become unfavorable.

Epidemiologist Branislav Tiodorovic told reporters today, saying that none of the medical experts on the Crisis Team advocated the introduction of the curfew as long as the situation could be controlled.

He said that between 60 and 70 percent of the total number of positive people in Belgrade.

“The northern part of Serbia, Vojvodina, Novi Sad, but also the western part of Serbia, Sabac, Valjevo, Cacak, has a marked increase, and there the epidemic is obviously progressing with a significant increasing trend,” Tiodorovic said.

As he said, there are 91 newly ordained in Nis and the entire territory of southeastern Serbia today, while two days ago there were 78 of them, which, he says, is not a big increase, and that the situation in Jura is somewhat better. in the last days.

He warned that the situation here, where it seems somewhat more favorable than in the north of the country, could change in a few days. He says that the health risk is also the crossing of the population in the border area with North Macedonia and the Republika Srpska in order to buy supplies.

“What is happening in southern Serbia is enough, Vranje Bujanovac, Presevo, they cross the border, they go to North Macedonia to get cheaper gasoline and supplies. This is happening in Macva and Podrinje in relation to the Republika Srpska. They are big risks, “said Tiodorović.

He stated that the population was warned to take care of their health.

It says that it undertakes to review and assess and assess the epidemiological situation according to the local environment, that is, not only according to absolute numbers, but also according to the behavior of the population and the work of local self-government in control which there is no implementation of measures.

He stated that if measures are not taken in any local area when organizing events, or in cafes and rafts, some stricter measures should be introduced, until ensuring that there are no contacts.

“It may be easier said than done, but we will have to do everything we can to reduce the chance of the infection spreading,” Tiodorovic said.

He said that the next reforms to the Law for the Protection of the Population from Infectious Diseases will not bring important changes, but they will allow greater control.

He says that from the beginning he was in favor of the population having to receive complete, timely and realistic information and to know how many positive people there are in his city.

He said that we must not create unnecessary fear among people, because we do not need panic, but we must be careful, focused, supportive and ready to implement all measures to reduce the risk of diseases.

He said that it is important that the educational system works, that the model of control of schools and kindergartens is well implemented so far.
