The whole world laughs at him


Vučić at the White House, Photo: AP Photo

Vučić at the White House, Photo: AP Photo

The president of the Freedom and Justice Party (SAA), Dragan Djilas, affirmed that during the visit of the President of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, to Washington, before the eyes of the whole world, the image that he made of himself as a man when the whole world respects him and he disintegrated.

“With the agreement in Washington, which provides for the obligation of Serbia to move its embassy to Jerusalem, Vucic not only again deviated from the common position of all countries except the United States and Guatemala, but also violated the resolution of the Council of Security by making Serbia a target of Islamic terrorists. ” back to Europe, “said Djilas, announcing the SAA.

Djilas claimed that he did it to sit in front of the President of the United States, Donald Trump, and thus try to impress the national public and show that he has the support of the President of the United States, who even handed him the keys to the White House, the Which, as Djilas said, they buy at a souvenir shop.

At the same time, in an attempt to defend the boss from the ridicule of the international public, Marko Đurić admitted that Vučić was waiting in front of the door for an hour and a half just for the cameras to record his handshake and for Vučić to speak about his phenomenal relations with the Russian president. “, he stated.

As he added, in just one day an eight-year play collapsed in which Vučić presents himself as the most intelligent, the only respected, omniscient, and the world and the national public saw with their own eyes how “a negotiator Steadfast and courageous, he becomes a confused man. ” At the signing ceremony of the Agreement, see for the first time what is written in that document.

As well as humiliating himself, Vučić also humiliates Serbia to the applause of the technical government ministers, but also his partners Aleksandar Šapić and Ivica Dačić. It is completely clear that Serbia no longer has the Government or the Assembly, which have the ability to stop the will of a man. the measure is the resignation of Aleksandar Vučić, “said Djilas.

He stated that the SAA insists on opening as soon as possible the talks between the regime and the opposition under the auspices of the European Union, which should provide conditions for the holding of fair and honest elections that return the state to citizens.

The SAA president also said that it has now become clear that there is no interest in Serbia that Vucic is not willing to put in jeopardy just to approve a world leader and thus try to “buy” support for his government, which is based on hatred and division.

Obradovic: Serbia is represented by an unauthorized SNS delegation

The leader of the Dveri movement, Bosko Obradovic, appreciated that the Serbian delegation in Washington was so frivolous and incompetent that it did not even know what it was signing, adding that he was concerned about what this, as he called “unauthorized delegation of the Serbian Progressive Party” could sign in Brussels. “.

Obradović said in the author’s text that the whole world is laughing at Aleksandar Vučić these days, for the video that shows how shocked he is by what the president of the United States, Donald Trump, says, and only then does he realize You signed something you didn’t know was in the agreement.

This means that the US mediators could literally put anything in the agreement on such economic normalization and have the Serbian Progressive Party delegation sign it. With this, the SNS assumed full responsibility for violating international resolutions and recognizing Israel’s false status of Kosovo, as well as for accepting the separatist authorities in Pristina as an egalitarian delegation with which an international agreement is being made under the auspices of the United States, ”Obradovic wrote for the Direktno portal.

He added that he did not know whether the subject of the new negotiations in Brussels would be “mini-Schengen” for the creation of a Greater Albania, further implementation of the interests of large Western multinational companies, the creation of a new transport infrastructure for a NATO’s largest expansion eastward, Hezbollah, Israel, 5G. Network, the importation of Russian gas and homosexuality, but he knows that Serbia is represented by people who have no one else’s authority to do so.

“This is a delegation from the SNS party that violates the Serbian Constitution and UN Security Council Resolution 12 44 on a daily basis, which is never invoked, and they obviously have a secret plan to recognize the false state of Kosovo without the eyes of the public, “wrote the leader of Dveri.


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