THE WEST IS BEHIND EVERYTHING: That’s why Hashim Thaci just appeared before the judges


There are several objectives behind that, and the first is to remove from the stage the war garrison of the political elite in Pristina, which cannot gain legitimacy and which is an obstacle to rounding off the so-called Statehood of Kosovo, which would relieve West of that burden.

This is what former diplomat Zoran Milivojevic says of “Novosti”, explaining why Hashim Thaci appeared before judges only two decades after the crimes against him occurred.

– This is also an attempt to achieve a balance at the level of justice, because without this environment, the reconciliation process is not possible. At the same time, the West is looking for a new team that is not committed and that can be the bearer of normal political and social processes in Kosovo and Metohija, adds Milivojevic.

According to our interlocutor, Thaci will certainly become a political past, because the judicial process will last, and as soon as he is not active in political life, it will affect his influence, as well as the influence of Kadri Veselji and DPK. According to this diplomat, new elections will follow in Pristina and new forces will have to appear in them, but the political scene in Kosovo will remain under the key influence of the United States.

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