The weather forecast for tomorrow is a real carousel, all the seasons will change!



24.03.2021. 00:00

Morning in Serbia, partly cloudy, in the morning light snowfalls in some places, during the day in low-lying areas local occurrence of short-term rains or showers, sometimes with conditions for short-term snow showers, snow in the mountains.

Weather, wind, cold

Weather, wind, cold, Photo: Shutterstock / Orlock

Moderate wind, sometimes strong, from the north, weakening in the afternoon. The lowest temperature is -4 to 3 C, the daily highest of 3 in southern Serbia to 10 C in northern Vojvodina, announced the Republic Hydrometeorological Institute.

And in Belgrade partly cloudy tomorrow, in the morning with the possibility of snow in the short term, during the day with periods of sunny weather.

Moderate north wind, weakening in the afternoon. The lowest temperature 1 to 3 C, the highest daily around 9 C.

By March 31, noticeably warmer and mostly sunny on most days, and a temporary cloudiness with short-term rain, light snow is sometimes expected in the high mountains on Sunday, March 28.
