The virus will go away and you will not need a vaccine.


Pulmonologist Dr. Branimir Nestorović continues to make controversial statements, which differ diametrically from the views of other crisis personnel experts, especially Predrag Kona and Darija Kisić Tepavčević. This time, he said the coronary virus pandemic is over for at-risk groups and that protective equipment should no longer be used.

– This virus is very weak. We have no difficult patients. We have parameters that demonstrate it. No one can ask for masks to be worn. The pandemic is over and it is time to come back to life, we can no longer wait and sit closed, there is a 0.01 percent chance that you will get sick – Nestorović told TV Pancevo.

Branimir Nestorović and Darija Kisić TepavčevićPhoto: Rosa / screenshot
Branimir Nestorović and Darija Kisić Tepavčević

According to him, the corona virus showed how much human health has collapsed and all the weaknesses of the health system in the West.

– We managed to protect the elderly and the health system because the Chinese gave us the equipment. Every death is terrible, but we did it well. It was important to tighten everything for two months and now we can return to a normal life, return everything we lost, Nestorović added.

He assessed that former communist countries fared better in the crisis caused by the deadly virus.

– When you regulate that health care is profitable, it is important that you bring money, you are not interested in an insignificant patient. The money came from a transplant. They have mostly forgotten about medical care. Tertiary health care is important because it brings money to western countries, he explained.

As he says, the crown can be treated with light, so it is important to sunbathe.

The Kovid 19 vaccine will be difficult to do.

– Trump said everything well, the virus will disappear and he will not need a vaccine. It is not possible to make a vaccine against a virus that is changing, Nestorović explained.

He invited citizens to spend their summers in Serbia this year.

– It is not a big problem not to go to the sea – Nestorović said.

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