“THE VIRUS STILL CIRCULATES” Dr. Kon explained the procedure to enter Serbia and what is needed from the documentation


– Four countries that do not belong to the EU have a similar situation to that of our country, and the virus is becoming extinct there. The risk of infection is minimal, as it is now with us. The virus is still circulating, and people must protect themselves and their responsibility to abide by the steps we have taken, epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon said as a guest on TV Pink.

Serbia will open its borders fully from June 1, but with four neighboring countries, namely northern Macedonia, Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina and Montenegro. This decision was made because none of these countries was the focus of the coronavirus.

On the entry procedure in Serbia

He introduced tourists and all those who wish to enter Serbia with the necessary documentation and procedure.

– For these four countries it is the same as before, other foreigners must have the approval of the government’s neighbor, it was obtained in our embassies abroad and with that approval they must have a PCR test of no more than 72 hours, that is the regime current for foreigners. . Our newcomers can also get tested, if they get tested they don’t have to isolate themselves for 14 days, if they don’t they have to do automatic isolation, Dr. Kon said.

He stressed that children under the age of 12 do not need a test.

– We did not request a test for children under 12 years old, the decision was made because children are much less likely to contract this disease. If they come with their parents, there is constant supervision from the parents, and then there is no need to do a test until the problems appear, he explained.

Speaking about swimming pools, seas, and spa centers, Dr. Kon noted that in any case it is necessary to respect distance, which is often not easy to achieve.

– The environment of the water, that is, the pool water, is chlorinated and safe in this regard. But we have a distance that is not easy to reach. Training should be done at a distance and in smaller groups, without contact, which is difficult in water polo, for example. Sporting events will launch in June, how it will take place depends on the situation, and sporting events will be audienceless. The pools will be under control, there is no special danger for standing water and the sea, at least during the month of June – noted Dr. Kon.

He recalled that the European borders were closed before June 15 and that there was still no agreement on travel to European countries, and that in theory he expected the virus to leave us after June.

“Consequences of the massive meetings visible in seven to 10 days”

– It is not the same as at the beginning, now we are coming out of the epidemic, it is just a question of how fast we will get out. There is always a risk and it will constantly decrease, and direct contacts remain a risk if someone is infected, Dr. Kon noted.

He mentioned that the consequences of the mass meetings will be seen in seven to 10 days.

– In the first days after the lifting of the state of emergency, I was quite satisfied with what I saw, especially with regard to urban transport. Now when I arrived, I looked at all the buses and saw that the measures were very much respected. On the other hand, I also saw coffee shops, and now it all depends on which eyes you look at, there are a greater number of people and that must be tolerated. Public meetings are not acceptable, it is possible that a virus will appear, and then there will almost certainly be an individual transmission, and that is a prolonged risk for the future. This is how this discomfort continues for us, we are no longer in agony, we are slowly coming out of it. It is mandatory for those over 65 to avoid meetings – emphasized Dr. Kon.

“If the virus enters the collective, it spreads quickly”

On the new 23 positives in Tutin, Dr. Kon said they are the so-called pockets and that you should be careful and get out of this situation as soon as possible.

– If the virus enters the computer, it spreads quickly, affecting the score and the numbers. It doesn’t matter if someone contracts the virus at the end or at the beginning. The latest cases are mostly mild, we also had a gerontology center that should always warn us, it happened when the extinction started, so we saw what destructive power the virus has when it enters sensitive equipment, Dr. Kon explained.

When it comes to those over 65, he said it is important that they come back to life.

– When we are below 1 percent, they should feel freer. Transport if they use it should be mandatory and it is mandatory to wear masks because they are particularly sensitive. The rest will function like other citizens. Sometimes they have to force themselves to leave the house because they feel safe in the apartment and don’t want to leave. They will need psychological support. As the results improve, they will also lose anxiety and fear, he said.

Important phones

Special number of the Ministry of Health for matters related to the corona virus: 064 8945 235.

Serbian Institute of Public Health “Dr. Milan Jovanović Batut”: 011 2684 566

Let us be responsible to ourselves and to others

To allow faster and more efficient communication between citizens and the competent epidemiological services, the Ministry of Health has introduced 20 additional telephone numbers for all information on the coronavirus.

The Ministry of Health has opened 10 additional numbers, and through the same link you can contact the phone numbers of all health centers throughout Serbia.

Unique contact center opened for Kovid 19-199819

Notification activation paragraph test

