“THE VIRUS STAYS IN THE AIR FOR TWO HOURS” Tanja Jovanović, our famous virologist, says there is a GOOD NEWS after all


In May or June next year, we will probably no longer have a kovid 19 epidemic, but only sporadic cases will be recorded. And this third wave of the coronavirus, which is very strong, should happen at the end of December, so that we can enter the new 2021 with a more favorable epidemiological situation. It depends on how much people respect the measures – says prof. Dr. Tanja Jovanović, Virologist and Vice Dean of Teaching at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade

In an interview with “Politika”, he points out that viruses are characterized by the ability to mutate.

– This especially refers to viruses that have the organization of genetic material like this corona virus. But it is also specific in the rate of mutation that occurs during its reproduction. It uses repair mechanisms to correct errors that may have occurred during playback, explains Dr. Jovanović.

He adds that they have shown that the virus does not mutate much.

– During the project for the molecular characterization of the kovida 19 genome, we verified that the virus does not mutate much, that it has not changed some specific characteristics. Using genetic sequencing, we proved that point mutations occurred at certain characteristic sites, but not within a “region” that would allow the virus to specifically bind to a cellular receptor. The variability of the virus is a consequence of the exchange of gene segments between different coronaviruses, he noted.

When it comes to the fact that more people are now being registered with a more serious clinical picture, Dr. Jovanović points out that this is because we generally have a greater number of infected people.

More and more patients with severe clinical picturePhoto: Oliver Bunić / RAS Serbia

More and more patients with severe clinical picture

He also explained why there are now many patients in hospitals with a serious clinical picture who were previously considered completely healthy.

– The result of an infection depends not only on the virus, but also on the organism that attacks the virus. So far, not everything about kovid has been examined 19. Various other diseases that a person has, such as diabetes or some other metabolic and cardiovascular diseases, as well as lung diseases, are known to affect the outcome of infection. It also happens that apparently healthy people who are not known to have a disease develop a serious clinical picture. This is because the immune response plays an important role in the immunopathogenesis of the disease, explained Dr. Jovanović for “Politika”.

The doctor also spoke about how much the infectivity of the coronavirus remains in the air when an infected person speaks loudly or coughs and sneezes.

– It usually stays in the spray for about two hours. Particles also fall on surfaces and the time they stay there depends on a few factors. It is dangerous in public transport, stores, shopping centers, in all places where a large number of people circulate. That’s why they insist on physical distance – he said.

VIDEO: How virus particles are dispersed during execution
