The virus is present in 116 users and 48 employees


The Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans and Social Affairs announced that as of today the presence of corona has been confirmed in 116 beneficiaries and 48 employees in social protection institutions and homes for adults and the elderly.

The presence of the COVID -19 virus was confirmed in: Knjaževac Gerontology Center, Subotica Gerontology Center, Novi Sad Gerontology Center – RJ Liman and RJ Novo Naselje, Gerontology Center in Mataruška Banja, Leskovac Institution for Adults and Aging, Service of Home help of the Belgrade Gerontology Center, Home for the mentally disabled in Tutin, Institute for the accommodation of adults “Little bees”, Kragujevac, Center for social work in Vranje, Home for the accommodation of adults and the elderly “Duga plus “, Belgrade, Home for the accommodation of adults and the elderly ‘Dedinje’, Belgrade, Home for adults and the elderly ‘Kladomox plus’, Kelebija, Institution for accommodation and care of the elderly ‘National Home’, Vladimirovac, Home for accommodation for adults and the elderly ‘Bonaca’ ‘, Belgrade, Home for adults and the elderly’ ‘Terza Eta’ ‘, Priboj, Home for people with mental disabilities” Heart in an apple ”, Jabuka, Pancevo , Institutions for adults and the elderly ” Gvozden Jovancicevic ” Veliki Popovac.

The total number of cured users of social protection institutions is 930 and the number of cured persons employed in social protection institutions is 370.

Home for the accommodation of adults and the elderly “Experience a hundred”, Belgrade, Home for the accommodation of adults and the elderly “Stara pruga”, Umka and Home for the accommodation of adults and the elderly “Radost” in Negotin, by a ban decision of the Ministry of Labor, do not provide the social protection service of home accommodation for adults and the elderly.

The Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs approved a decision prohibiting the work of the Home for the Housing for Adults and Aged “Nada” in Belgrade.

Users of social protection institutions who are estimated to be potential carriers of the virus are isolated, while employees of social protection institutions, where such danger exists, do not come to work and are in home isolation.

( PHOTO: Shutterstock / Illustration)

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Author: delivery courier
