THE VIRUS IS MUCH EASIER TO TRANSMIT NOW: Dr. Kisić on the epidemiological situation in the country and the necessary measures for protection against the coronavirus


For her, there is no question whether she should get vaccinated, and when asked when the citizens of Serbia can expect the vaccine, she says:

– From the beginning, our country has been in negotiations with all the leading companies in the world that produce vaccines. No vaccine has yet been registered in the country of origin, but they are in the final stages of this procedure and the truth is that the vaccine will be used in our country when it is registered in the country of origin, when it is shown to be safe. and effective and when it passes all the necessary procedures in our Agency for Medicines and Health Products and receives all the necessary certificates to be safe for use in our population.

These days we have a constant growth of infected and dozens of deaths. What will the situation be in the next few days? Will the crown continue to freak out?

– We are in the period of the year when it is the time of respiratory infections and when its transmission is easier. The corona virus that causes Kovid 19 disease has proven to be a great enemy for humanity. It has been more than a year since we learned about this virus, and the increase in the frequency of illnesses and deaths caused by this infection is registered all over the world. Last year at this time SARS-Kov-2 was confined to the China area, and now there are practically no parts of the world where this virus has not been introduced. This virus is transmitted by the simplest way of transmission, ie. by droplets and easily reaches a sensitive person as soon as the conditions exist for it.

In the first wave, we had much lower numbers, but more accurate measurements. What is the logic?

– The state of emergency in Serbia was introduced in March, although then there were fewer infected in absolute numbers than now, because then nobody was prepared for the first wave of Kovid 19. At first, the whole world was surprised by this virus and nobody was prepared. The virus spread rapidly and we were among the last countries in Europe where the virus entered. Therefore, we were able to see the experiences of other countries, especially Italy and Spain, where capacities were too small. The first corona wave spread like a tsunami and we wanted to draw an epidemiological curve.

We had restrictive measures, but we did not sit idly by during that period. Meanwhile, we have acquired thousands of new respirators, hundreds of thousands of tests, built new laboratories, started the construction of new hospitals, formed temporary hospitals and thus multiplied the capacity of our health system in the fight against this disease. In this restrictive period, we managed to preserve our oldest fellow citizens, who had the highest incidence of illness and death in other countries. Our older fellow citizens have maintained healthy behavior patterns even after the state of emergency, they adhere to all preventive measures, so they remain the least represented in the general structure of the disease. For example, in this latest wave, more than 85% of all patients are under the age of 60.

It is no secret that there are disagreements between the profession (doctors, epidemiologists) – lawyers and that many times all the proposals that doctors make in the Crisis Staff do not pass. What is your personal attitude? Should the measures be stricter and should we have introduced them earlier?

– I usually say that we are bored with people because we have been saying the same for months, and that is that wearing a mask, physical distance and avoiding meetings are still key measures against the coronavirus and we all agree on that. There is no magic formula, the whole world, like us, is waiting for a vaccine.

If you compare this third peak with the previous two, what do you notice that we laymen cannot see?

– What is specific about this latest peak and the latest outbreak of the coronavirus is that we are now in the season of respiratory infections. Last year in this period, the corona virus was confined to China and entered most countries when the respiratory infection season was waning. We know that he came to us on March 6, when the flu season was slowly beginning to decline. In this latest attack of the coronavirus, it is specific that the virus is now found in many populations, and we have all the conditions for its massive transmission. The virus always behaves the same, finding its way to sensitive people, but the only specificity now is that it is present in populations at the time when it is easiest to transmit.

A month ago, he was sworn in and took over the department of labor, employment, veterans and social affairs. How is your first month, what situation did you find in the Ministry?

– It is a great honor for me to be part of the Government of the Republic of Serbia and that I have been entrusted to be part of a team that will work for the benefit of all citizens. Furthermore, I am aware that a ministerial position is a great obligation, as well as a responsibility. We have formed a team of people who, in addition to professional skills, have a lot of energy and enthusiasm. I hope that this positive work climate will give us the strength to persevere in all the challenges that await us. We set clear goals for the next term and decidedly began the fight for their realization. We continue with the continuity of the activities that started in the previous period, but we also started new ones. We are here for citizens and it is our duty and obligation to be in charge of improving their general well-being and quality of life. I hope that our results in the next period speak for themselves. We live in difficult times, a time in which a contagious disease has a great impact on our lives, not only in health but also in economic and social terms. The Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs has a wide range of areas within its competence, and the state has entrusted the most sensitive categories of the population to our ministry. That is a great responsibility. The creation of a legal framework for the implementation of the planned activities is a necessary and very important step. In this sense, in the next period, our ministry will prepare bills on the social card, as well as seasonal employment. We are also planning a series of activities that will refer to various types of support and relief to the most socially threatened and vulnerable categories of the population.

During the first wave of the corona, we had a serious problem in several nursing homes. What is the current situation. The number of infected people increased dramatically. Are the oldest of these institutions in danger?

– At the beginning of the pandemic, we emphasize that older citizens are the most threatened. During these eight months, they have demonstrated great responsibility, self-discipline and respect for all prescribed and recommended measures taken by crisis personnel, as well as by the Government of the Republic of Serbia. I am very grateful to you for that. We all need to emulate them.

The increase in the incidence of Kovid 19 in Serbia, which has been registered in recent weeks, has also been reflected in the increase in the incidence of this disease among users of social protection institutions. Therefore, the Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs is implementing additional protection measures to reduce the risk of infection among users. I am proud of all the employees of social welfare institutions who are fully committed to their calling and the work they do. There are wonderful examples of the dedicated work of employees for whom protecting the health and lives of institution users is a priority, who have practically lived there since this pandemic began. The Ministry of Labor, Employment, Veterans Affairs and Social Affairs initiated that employees of social protection institutions also receive a one-time material assistance in the amount of 10,000 dinars, which was approved by the Government of Serbia. Although we are aware that they are just a drop in the ocean, we also wanted to support them in this way and let them know that we are proud and think of them.

Crown and unemployment

How did the corona epidemic affect unemployment in Serbia, what do the statistics say? The fact is that the crisis is causing great consequences for the economy.

– The coronary virus pandemic has changed the world in every way. The measures taken by the Government as a result of the economic situation have preserved employment. According to the records of the National Employment Service, since the beginning of the pandemic, a total of 44,105 people have been registered whose employment relationship was terminated, and who have submitted a request for financial compensation for losing their job. According to the National Employment Service, the monthly average for these people is even lower compared to the same period last year. The unemployment rate is 7.3 percent, which is the lowest yet. The anti-crisis measures prescribed by the Government of the Republic of Serbia stopped the massive layoffs, because the State helped pay the salaries of more than one million employees.

What do we know about the virus today, one year after the appearance of the corona?

– During this year we have learned a lot about the virus, we know who its reservoir is, we know how it is transmitted and, most importantly, we know how to prevent general infections when contagious. There are still many unknowns related mainly to the time of immunity after the disease, the survival time of the virus in the external environment, but the essence is that it has been shown that adhere to general prevention measures, that is, keep the distance Physics and wearing a mask is life saving. . The data shows that just over 20 percent of the people in our population have acquired immunity, that is, within the limits of expectations, but that level of herd immunity is not sufficient to prevent the epidemic spread of the disease. Research shows that the degree of herd immunity must be between 60 and 70 percent to stop the epidemic spread of the disease. Until the widespread use of the vaccine, we cannot hope to achieve such a high level of herd immunity, so our main weapon is to continue to act responsibly and conscientiously, and that will have no alternative even when the vaccine is in massive use.


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