The virus is entering schools, we are thinking of a NEW MEASURE


More and more people are infected with the corona virus in secondary and primary schools, but the situation is under control, says epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon, adding that he is considering a winter break in Vojvodina and central Serbia. at the same time.

He told Tanjug that an increase in the number of infected people in schools was expected, because the intensity of the virus is growing throughout Serbia.

– The situation in the schools is still under control. The virus certainly enters schools, but it is prevented from spreading within the school. As soon as it is discovered, students and teachers are separated and sent for treatment, Kon said.

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag KonPhoto: Slobodan Miljevic / Tanjug

Epidemiologist Dr. Predrag Kon

It states that last week in Belgrade in 111 primary schools and 136 secondary schools there were infected students and teachers, that in the last week of October there were infected in 66 primary schools and 77 secondary schools, and a week earlier in 28 primary and 28 secondary schools.

Holidays are important because of the flu

Kon says it’s good that the kids are going on fall break and that there will be a five-day break from schools. He points out that crisis staff are considering doing winter break at the same time for students from Vojvodina and central Serbia.

He points out that the holidays are important because of the interruption of the possibility of transmission, but mainly of the influenza virus.

– The flu virus is transmitted mainly in school children and only then does it reach adults. Here (the corona virus) is the opposite, they get sick from adults to elementary school – said Kon.

This raises the question, as he himself says, of the harmonization of Catholic and Orthodox holidays, which meet at different times.

– It depends on the Ministry of Education if they can and if it is convenient to join and dissolve at the same time. We are thinking about it and looking for the most suitable solution – concluded Kon.

VIDEO: Rules of conduct in schools during the Kovid-19 epidemic
