The veteran head of the Emergency Situations Sector lost the battle with the crown


The head of the Emergency Situations Sector and Deputy Minister of the Interior, Predrag Marić, passed away as a result of the corona virus at the age of 56.

He was diagnosed with the corona virus in December last year, and last night he lost the battle against the disease.

After several days of stabilized health, his clinical picture has worsened in the last three or four days, for which he was resuscitated several times on Friday and Saturday.

Marić was diagnosed with the corona virus on December 28. Other than the temperature, he had no problems, but was still referred for a scan where the initial pneumonia was diagnosed.

Predrag Marić
photo: pink print screen

However, according to sources, the temperature broke it. A few days later, his condition required his hospitalization, so on January 3, 2021, he was admitted to the “Dr. Dragisa Misovic” Clinical Hospital Center.

Five days after being hospitalized in this health institution, more precisely on January 8, Marić was intubated and connected to a ventilator.

Meanwhile, doctors discovered that he had a blood clot, which was supposed to be operated on, but they waited for his condition to stabilize. By the way, Marić was also a member of the crisis staff for the fight against the corona virus.

He was about to retire. Serbia’s first firefighter, who was most trusted in trouble and natural disasters, submitted a withdrawal request in early November last year, although his term as assistant minister expires in May 2022.

You met retirement status last year, and applying for retirement is your personal and professional decision.

Maric is the only senior law enforcement official whose role has not been questioned for nearly 15 years. He was appointed head of the Emergency Situations Sector in 2007 by decision of Minister Dragan Jočić, to whom he was an assistant. He held the same position during the time of Ivica Dačić, as well as during the time of Nebojša Stefanović.

He graduated as a lawyer and joined the Ministry of the Interior in 1990. He began his career in the Directorate of Fire and Technical Protection. He became Chief of the Inspection Supervision Department in the Fire Police Administration in 2003, Deputy Chief of Administration in 2004 and Chief in 2005. In that period, except Marić, all firefighters received career recognition by form a separate Sector in the Ministry of the Interior in 2007.

He is the winner of numerous national and international recognitions and awards.


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