THE VEHICLE WAS CUT OFF TO RESCUE THE INJURED: Eyewitnesses told the details of the traffic in Konjarnik (VIDEO)


The police are still at the scene of the terrible accident and regulate traffic, while the ambulance transported the injured to the hospital. There are auto parts everywhere.

According to eyewitnesses, the car of the “Alfa” brand was moving towards the city when the driver of the car of the “Golf” brand came in the opposite direction and wanted to turn left. Then there was a collision. Due to the force of the impact, the “alpha” also knocked over the traffic sign.

According to eyewitnesses, there were four young men, two boys and two girls in the “alpha” at the time of the collision, while in the other, the cars were a man and a woman.

– “Alpha” was moving pretty fast. Suddenly it exploded. The view was horrible. A man and a woman got out of the vehicle that collided with the “alpha”. They were moved, but aware. “Alpha” was so destroyed that firefighters had to cut the vehicle to remove the girl and the young man who was trapped – says the witness.

Eyewitnesses add that there were two fire trucks and three ambulances at the scene of the accident.

– A girl fell from the vehicle and was unconscious outside the vehicle. The driver, who is 18 years old, got out of the car and was conscious. At one point, he started arguing with the “golf” driver, got very scared and started running. The ambulance arrived very fast – added another eyewitness to this horrible collision.

As the media learned from eyewitnesses, the driver of the “alpha” was driving very fast, and as those on the scene at the time of the accident say, “he was walking like a bullet.” All the injured, including the driver of the “alpha”, are under 20 years old.

“It exploded like a bomb, it had no opportunity to stop, if it had not collided with this post, it would surely have broken in the traffic there,” added the witness.

A bystander was injured in the accident.

A woman who was found near the ladder on which the “alpha” crashed at the time of the accident was also injured.

– As parts of the car were scattered on the road, they hit a woman who was passing by just as traffic was passing. Fortunately, from what we could see, she was not seriously injured, eyewitnesses say.

After the police investigation, the details of the traffic accident will be known.


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