“The vaccine is not salvation, it will help us a lot, but the covid will stay with us,” says epidemiologist Zora.


“The vaccine is not salvation, it will help us a lot, but the covid will remain with us,” says epidemiologist Zoran Radovanović.

“We must not think that in January we will all be vaccinated, it is realistic to put hundreds of thousands of doses and vaccinate doctors and nurses, those who work in the most delicate jobs, then the army, the police. You and I won’t get vaccinated before the end of the summer, we’ll see. “As long as the protection lasts, it looks better than it was thought. The disease will be there, we will have to get used to it, the only thing is that we will not have such epidemic waves, I think this is the last one, it depends on the measures, the fourth will be more mild, “he added. Radovanovic.

When it comes to new measures, Radovanović says it is incomprehensible to wait for them all to fall.

“In the second half of May and in June, we joked that I was the crisis personnel in hibernation, it was clear what awaited us and no action was taken. The critical situation is, in Belgrade, catastrophic, in large parts of Serbia as somewhere, somewhere near the border. The situation is serious, the health authorities, especially the Crisis Staff, have lost credibility. We must all be united, the doctors’ union cannot be confronted, to ignore United against Kovid, who proposed detailed measures. When there is mistrust, it is difficult Croatia boasted that it did well because it maintained the civil protection system of Yugoslavia, you have to depend on the population, you cannot order measures, but we can all decide together We have a strange system where contractors are ignored and that has catastrophic consequences, “explained Radovanovic.

He says we don’t know if 8,000 people are infected every day, adding that even now there is evidence that numbers are being tampered with and that we are not getting accurate data.

“There are people who understand statistics and analyze data, they have shown that it is absolutely incredible that the number of people with respirators is accurate. We know it was tampered with, which was in September. We did not test enough, we need to test seven times more citizens.” Given the number of positives. Many infected people remain untested. Even if we take those figures, it is extremely dramatic. What we proposed two and a half months ago is a detailed set of measures, “said the epidemiologist.

He says it sounds funny to him when he says crisis staff asked for something and wonders who didn’t allow it.

“It is so absurd. We have, as far as the health of the population is concerned, an unfavorable situation, you see queues, people waiting and then you turn on the TV and in the Assembly you see virtual reality, looking for enemies … It is so much manipulation, fleeing from responsibility. Crisis. “The headquarters is in an ideal position, the experts had the opportunity to create reality, they did not use it. They have to tell the politicians, this must be done, if they do not do it, then they must withdraw and say you decide,” he said. the teacher.

That is why, says Radovanović, citizens must be helped by a better organization.

“It is inhumane what is done to the sick, but the doctors and nurses are on the verge of fainting from fatigue. If you have severe pneumonia and are on oxygen, you are treated by a physiatrist and a dental technician because there are not enough doctors and nurses “he added. .

“Citizens have no illusions, they stopped believing in May and June, when elections were more important than life, due to manipulation of numbers and senseless serological tests,” says Radovanović.

Radovanović said that he did not know who would work at the new kovid hospital in Batajnica, but that he knew there were no staff and that they would be reassigned, meaning that some kovid department would be closed.

“We were barely functioning under normal circumstances, and now the system is breaking down. In health, there are people in leadership positions who do not enjoy moral or professional authority, it is their job to listen, they do not have initiative and if they wanted to, they could not do it. Rade Panic is an honest man, an exceptional doctor, I hope his bust will be placed somewhere in the future, he is right, he is a man from the red zone, he loses patients and suffers with them. It is not an acute contagious disease, there is a prolonged covid, people are usually exhausted for weeks and months after the disease, we have experience so that some survive and have to undergo a lung transplant, “warned Radovanović.

Epidemiologist and crisis staff member Predrag Kon, He recently said he would answer all the questions, but only when the epidemic is over.. Radovanovic believes that then it will be too late for answers.

“Because it is not a wrapped set of questions for the future, the author’s idea was to establish a dialogue for the common good, so that from that dialogue we all understand where the evil was, so that those mistakes are no longer made, to be a guide for the future. best job. Such a delay does not make sense, “he says.

Read more about kovid-19 and the consequences of the pandemic in the country and the world on the page. Coronavirus.
