The United States Senate adopted a resolution on Bosnia and Herzegovina, declaring that a genocide took place in Srebrenica.


Washington Capitol Building, Photo: Shutterstock

Washington Capitol Building, Photo: Shutterstock

The Senate of the United States Congress adopted a resolution on the occasion of the 25th anniversary of the Dayton Agreement, calling on the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to implement constitutional reforms and encouraging them to continue their efforts on the path to accession to the EU and NATO.

In Resolution 729, proposed by Democratic Senator Sharod Brown, the upper house of the United States Congress once again highlights the importance of the Dayton Agreement as the basis for constitutional reform in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and the importance of promoting political equality , economic, legal and religious through the objectives and values ​​of the EU.

“The Senate welcomes the commitment of the government and people of Bosnia and Herzegovina to peace and cooperation, 25 years after the Dayton Accords. The Senate encourages the government to continue its aspirations to belong to NATO and the EU and to advance in the resolution of constitutional problems and the improvement of the economic policy “, as indicated in the Resolution adopted on Friday.

The resolution calls on the authorities of Bosnia and Herzegovina to implement the constitutional reforms necessary for reconciliation to build a common future.

“The Senate condemns the human rights violations during the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina and reaffirms the joint commitment of the United States and the EU to the promotion and protection of human rights, democracy and the rule of law throughout the world,” it reads in the text.

The Senate calls on the US authorities to work closely with the governments of the neighboring countries of Bosnia and Herzegovina, especially Serbia and Croatia, signatories to the Dayton Accords, “to support the full implementation of the Stabilization and Association Agreement between the EU and the Balkan countries, which requires regional cooperation. “

The Resolution recalls that the Dayton Agreement, signed on December 14, 1995, ended the war and allowed peace in Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was signed by the then President of the Presidency of Bosnia and Herzegovina, Alija Izetbegović, and the Presidents of Serbia and Croatia, Slobodan Milošević and Franjo Tuđman.

It is also recalled that NATO and the United States launched air strikes against the Bosnian Serbs to stop serious human rights violations, allegedly leading to negotiations on a ceasefire and a peace agreement.

“Ethnic cleansing and concentration camps were used as a means of war against Bosnian men, women and children, culminating in the Srebrenica genocide in July 1995, when 8,000 Muslim men and boys were captured and killed,” the resolution says. .

It is added that the Dayton Peace Agreement laid the foundation for NATO and EU missions in the previous 25 years, allowing the citizens of Bosnia and Herzegovina to live in peace and prosper.

It is claimed that the government of the United States supports the sovereignty of Bosnia and Herzegovina and that the government and people of Bosnia and Herzegovina have been working in partnership with the international community since the signing of the Dayton Agreement to build a peaceful and democratic society based on the rule of law, respect for human rights and the market economy.


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