Talks with Serbian officials, which will continue in the next four days, should specify everything related to the opening of the DFC regional office in Belgrade.

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Richard Grenell, US President Donald Trump’s special envoy for dialogue, will arrive in Belgrade today, following his visit to Pristina, which, as interpreted, further confirms the determination of the US administration to politically seal the agreements reached.
Serbian President Aleksandar Vučić will meet today with Boler and Grenel, and Finance Minister Siniša Mali said that the arrival of the American DFC is important for all citizens of Serbia, because they will participate in financing projects from various fields . provide cheap loans to support small and medium businesses.
ON THE OCCASION of Grenel’s arrival in Belgrade, Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said talks were needed on visa liberalization with the United States:
– Our country would be happy if that happened. We asked for it years ago. We’d be happy if that was part of the deal.
DFC has an investment fund totaling 60 billion dollars, and part of that money will flow to Serbia, through the realization of projects envisaged by the Washington agreement. New investments of almost four billion dollars are planned, which will be invested mainly in the construction of roads and railways connecting Belgrade and Pristina.

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Foreign Minister Ivica Dacic said yesterday that the arrival of the DFC, just a few weeks after the signing of the agreement at the White House, means that Washington seriously wants to deal with the agreement.
– The opening of the office in Belgrade, and not in any other city in the region, shows respect for our country as an engine, not only of political stability, but also economic stability.
The center of Pristina was blocked yesterday due to a suspicious suitcase, however, no explosive device was found in it. The bag was found around 10:30 am on Bill Clinton Street, after which demining units searched the area, which also included dogs from a special police unit.
For the director of the Office for Kosovo and Metohija, Marko Đurić, the arrival of DFC and Grenel is a sure indicator that Washington’s economic agreement is being implemented at lightning speed:
– The door opens to a new chapter in relations between the United States and Serbia, mainly in the economy. The United States will always protect the stability of the space in which it invests, it will not be easy to repeat situations of two or three decades ago in our relations that we want to avoid at all costs.
Washington’s agreement for Belgrade has several important elements, Đurić believes, and in addition to the arrival of the DFC, it is also the removal from the agenda of the recognition of the so-called Kosovo and a one-year moratorium on Pristina’s membership in international organizations. It is very important, Đurić noted, that the so-called Kosovo will not be able to become a member of UNESCO, because Albanian historians who are taking over Serbian churches and monasteries in Kosovo and Metohija are making more noise.
Đurić said that the opening of the DFC office in Priština was one of the points that the Priština delegation insisted on in the meetings in Washington, but that this would not happen and that the entire region would be “covered” from the Belgrade office .
On the eve of his arrival in Belgrade, Grenel also confirmed that the implementation of the agreement is the top priority of the administration of US President Trump.
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