The United Group and the Zurich court conceal the verdict on Sholak’s lawsuit against the Serbian media.


WHY THE SWITZERLAND COURT'S DECISION HIDDEN: United Group and the Zurich court conceal the verdict of Solak's lawsuit against the Serbian media

At the head of the lobby of interests and businesses Dragan Šolak, Photo: Screenshot

The Zurich District Court refused to present a verdict to the Association of Journalists of Serbia (UNS) which, as reported by H1 and most of the Serbian media, “irrefutably established” that Pink, Studio B and Informer carried out a Media campaign announcing falsehoods about Dragan Solak, co-owner of United groups, UNS reported.

UNS requested a judicial decision because none of the media that published the news published the verdict itself. According to the UNS, they first asked the United Group for the verdict, but they did not want to deliver it, but instead sent them to the Zurich District Court.

Public interest

– Although the Zurich court told us first that they would deliver the verdict to us, today (Friday) we received an official response that they cannot do so for “protection of personal data” – they stated in UNS and then cited the court’s response.

– This verdict is related to a civil dispute. Third parties, including unaccredited journalists, do not in principle have the right to access the documents in such cases. An exception may be if a third party has a scientific or other interest in accessing said document that outweighs the conflicting public and / or private interests, says the court’s response.

The court adds that “on the one hand, there may be a public interest in this decision in Serbia.”

– On the other hand, there are conflicting private interests of the parties in the procedure to preserve the details of that procedure. The process dealt with the violation of individual rights. This includes discussing private details that the parties may not want to make public. Since the identity of the parties is known, anonymizing the verdict would not sufficiently protect their interests. Therefore, the private interests of the parties to decide for themselves when they will report on the decision outweigh the interests of a media organization to get closer to the decision to publish an article about it, the court’s response states.

They had no idea

When UNS asked them if they had an idea of ​​the verdict when they published the news about it, the H1 television site told us that they did not, and that it was a statement from the United Group that they broadcast on the site and sent to the media.

The text entitled “Swiss Court: Media in Serbia published falsehoods about Dragan Solak”, which was published on this site on September 28, however, does not say that it is a statement, but H1 was signed as the author. UNS forwarded that announcement in the United Group memorandum, which was literally aired on that television’s website.

The accused Serbian media leaders previously told UNS that they were not even informed about the process that was being carried out against them in Switzerland. The United Group legal team in its response to the UNS previously stated that “all legal procedures have been followed and all parties to the dispute have been informed through diplomatic channels about the procedure and about their rights and possibilities in the dispute. “.

Meanwhile, the Serbian Ministry of Justice told UNS that the Zurich District Court contacted them and submitted letters rogatory to the accused media, which were then forwarded to the competent court for notification, that in this case is the First Court of First Instance of Belgrade.

The Zurich District Court, previously announced by H1 television, issued a verdict that found that Pink, Studio B and Informer committed a violation of Dragan Solak’s personal rights, which he sued for “all the falsehoods they publish every day. “.

What is supposedly set

Although the H1 website states that “none of the allegations they publish in court were proven by the accused media,” United Group’s legal team previously responded to UNS that “one of the accused hired an attorney.” .

The court allegedly “determined that these media were carrying out a media campaign against the prosecutor, falsely accusing him and publishing falsehoods related to the personality and manner of acting of the prosecutor and his alleged political commitment, expressing comments and opinions in order to present the tax in a biased way. ” in bad light ”.

– The imputed media are obliged to reimburse the costs of the procedure to the prosecutor Solak, eliminate texts and links from programs that violate their right to personality, refrain from repeating this part and publish the verdict – it is stated on the H1 website, with the information that the verdict became final on September 15. .


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