THE UNHAPPY WAS DRAWN THIRTY METERS BY CAR: Trial of Predrag Dunjić for trampling a pensioner in Prokuplje


According to the Superior Prosecutor’s Office, Dunjić was unable to drive a motor vehicle, because he was in a state of severe alcoholism, considering that he had 1.33 per thousand of alcohol in his blood. He is accused of a serious act against public road safety.


The trial will continue on February 1. The procedure is carried out before the High Court of Nis because the Prokuplje judiciary was declared incompetent, considering the relationship of the victim with one of its employees.

Although, according to it was established, he was driving at 20 kilometers per hour, on a street covered with snow and ice, where the sidewalks were impassable by snow and parked cars, the defendant did not slow down or brake even when he noticed Milenković thrown in the middle. streets in an unconscious state, with their backs to the road. There was no discussion in court about why the unfortunate man was unconscious or if he was alive at the time of the accident.

“He ran him over and dragged him to the intersection,” says the prosecution.

As noted by forensic neuropsychiatry expert Dragana Arandjelović, Dunjić had 1.33 per thousand of alcohol, which is a mild intoxicated state, but large enough to affect visual acuity, situational assessment, and spatial relationships as well. as a slower reaction.

Traffic expert Dejan Bogicevic put forward his point of view and said that that day, on the street where the accident occurred, the lighting did not work in part.

– In night conditions, long light is used and, in case of good lighting, low light. Given that there were illuminated and unlit sections, it is for the court to decide whether it should have used a high beam or a low beam. In any case, such lighting reduced the chance of noticing an obstacle on the road, Bogicevic said.

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