“THE UNCLE CAME INTO THE ROOM AND BEGAN TO FEEL ME”: Novi Sad suspected of sexually harassing his son’s friend (8)


Taking into account that it is a minor girl, that is, a girl, the hearing was held without the presence of the public, and it will be until the end of the procedure. According to unofficial information, the 49-year-old NP presented his defense in the courtroom, and what he said remains unknown to the public due to the protection of the minor victim. The next hearing is scheduled for December 22.

The girl’s parents reported the Novi Sad resident to the police two months ago, when she plucked up her courage and said that the “uncle”, whose son she grew up with from an early age, touched her body inappropriately, and that this had happened three times in the previous months. According to the girl, it happened twice when she went to sleep with them, and the last time on the night between September 5 and 6, at a farm in Chennai, where they celebrated the coming of age of her eldest son with that family. .


AFTER everything her eight-year-old daughter has gone through, the mother says she will continue to fight so that no child ever experiences what her eight-year-old daughter is like again.

– I want to join an organization or association that fights against these things and to protect all children – says the mother. No one should be silent and things like this should be reported.

According to what the girl first told her parents, and then the inspectors, the “uncle” entered the room where her son slept, took off his pajamas and panties, and touched his thighs, legs, buttocks, and intimate parts of the boy. Body.

After the accusation was filed against the neighbor, the girl’s mother said that she hoped that everything would go well and that the accused would receive the punishment he deserved.

– My daughter is mentally, fortunately, improving, she went to school – says the girl’s mother.

– Everyone in the family tries to forget everything as soon as possible and not think about the ugly things that she lived through.

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