The news that a worker from the estate “Stremen” IG beat the tenant Petar Strugar, after which he received a six-month house arrest, was convicted by Jovan Stanojević, a taxi driver who was beaten by the actor six years ago.

The “Montevideo” star struck the taxi driver several times in 2014 after a brief verbal argument, and the trial, as Jovan claims, continues to this day. That is, Strugar admitted his guilt and signed an agreement with the Prosecutor’s Office, after which he paid 70,000 dinars in seven installments for humanitarian purposes, since the taxi driver did not want to accept that amount as compensation. Stanojevic filed a private lawsuit and the next hearing is scheduled for October 5.

– We’ll see what will happen then, but it doesn’t make sense that the boy who hit him was punished immediately, and when that actor gave himself the right to inflict injuries on me, he can’t bear the consequences. I am not a poor man who needs your money, but I want to seek justice. He paid for the opportunity, but we are still on trial. Most of them avoid going to the hearings and ask for an expert opinion on the jaw that was seriously injured, says Stanojevic and describes the consequences he suffers today from the beating.

– I was in the hospital for a month. I have dental sclerosis. It broke my jaw, making it difficult for me to speak and stutter. That means I have to get all the teeth out. She caused me a serious jaw problem, all of which is a consequence of her blows. I only ask for my share and I hope the court will determine and assess how much you are obligated to pay. Well, I’m interested in how he can do that, the guy who beat him got six months and in my case, he wasn’t even half a day in prison. So where is it? – he wonders.

Jovan says that what happened to Strugar recently is not accidental. – He is an incidental person, but since he is a public figure, then he has some protection. What happened to him just came back to him. He left no impression on me all these years. If only he had come to the hospital to visit me. It’s human to apologize. Here, I have been suffering for six years. No one took him to the police and the boy who hit him was immediately prosecuted. He appeared in court twice and is proud, full of himself and always like that on some level. I hope my case ends properly – he concludes.
Two versions of the event A fight in front of a boy and a woman
The incident between the actor and the taxi driver occurred in April 2014 in Zvezdara in front of the building where Strugar lived with his then wife and son. They also attended the fight. Strugar claimed to police that the taxi driver attacked him first because he stopped traffic for a short time so his wife could park, while the taxi driver claimed that Petar hit him just because he whistled at him to pull away.

Kurir.rs/ LJILJANA STANISIC / Photo: Zorana Jevtic

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Author: delivery courier