PROKUPLJE- After a horrible traffic accident in which three young people lost their lives, due to the collision of a truck and a passenger vehicle on Sunday morning around one in the morning, it was established that the truck driver Ranko R. he was not guilty and was released.

The breathalyzer test showed that he had no alcohol in his blood, and the cause of the “Opel” vehicle driven by Aleksandar Jović (26) from Prokuplje crossing into the opposite lane and directly hitting the truck is still under investigation. As a reminder, the accident occurred on the Prokuplje – Zitoradja road in the village of Lukomir, and Aleksandar Zivkovic (21) from Pukovac, who was behind the driver, died at the scene, and Danilo Cvetkovic (22) from Samarinovac, who died on the way to the Prokuplje hospital. sat down next to him. The driver, Aleksandar Kojić, suffered serious bodily injuries and died at 4 p.m. Sunday at the Nis Clinical Center, where he was admitted in a life-threatening condition and was in a coma the entire time, connected to an artificial ventilation machine.
Aleksa Cekić (19), who was detained for treatment at Prokuplje hospital, and Andjela Marković (21), both from Samarinovac, who were released for home treatment after receiving help, were in the car.

“We were not able to examine the driver for the alcohol test, because he was in a coma. However, according to the first findings, he was driving fast,” confirmed the Prokuplje police.
This accident claimed the lives of three young people and the family of the victim, Jović, is unable to speak to the media. They are in utter shock and pain, as are the families of the other two young men.
The accident happened after the celebration of the engagement in Žitorađa, so the young people in two cars headed to Prokuplje after the engagement of the other to continue celebrating in a club that was open. The first car passed, and the one in which the driver was Jović, had an accident, that is, they collided with a truck.

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Author: delivery courier