The trial of the former president of the municipality of Grocka, Dragoljub Simonović, and other defendants, was again postponed today in the Second Court of First Instance of Belgrade to 11 January.
Source: Tanjug

Illustration: Depositphotos / JanPietruszka
Simonović is on trial for setting fire to the property of former police officer, and now a journalist for the “Zig Info” portal, Milan Jovanović, on December 12, 2018.
The trial was postponed until today, because Simonović did not appear, who, according to his lawyers, had an oral intervention and the doctors ordered him to rest for a few days.
Nor has he come to the trial today, because he fell ill during the night due to the intervention.
Simonović is charged with inciting the other defendants to set Jovanović’s property on fire on December 12, 2018 as a warning.
Igor Novakovic and Vladimir Mihailovic are also charged with the crime of “serious crime against public security”, and Simonovic is accused of inciting them to do so.
Aleksandar Marinković is charged as the direct perpetrator of the criminal act, but he has been on the run since winter and an international arrest warrant has been issued against him and the procedure has been separated.
At the beginning of the investigation, Novakovic and Mihailovic admitted to setting the house on fire on Simonovic’s orders, although they denied this at trial.
Early in his defense, Simonović completely denied committing the crime and described his attitude towards Jovanović’s journalism and the portal he works for.
The Second Base Prosecutor’s Office accuses Simonović of incitement to incite these three defendants to set fire to the property of Milan Jovanović.
Singer Bojana Cvetković Šijacki admitted her guilt and reached an agreement with the prosecution, under which she was sentenced to six months of house arrest and a fine of 50,000 dinars.
He admitted that he took Marinkovic to the location of Jovanovic’s home, where the crime was committed.