Belgrade – On Thursday, after five and a half months, international rail passenger traffic was restored on the Bar – Belgrade – Bar route.
Source: ekapija.com

Photo: Depositphotos, ArturVerkhovetskiy
For the first outing, only 21 tickets were sold at the box office.
That is, as they said for Pobjeda del Transporte Ferroviario (PCG), a third compared to the same period last year.
The company explained that they do not yet have information on how many tickets were sold directly on the train and that will be known later.
As they specify, if we take into account the total capacity of the train and the reduced number of seats available in sales due to maintaining the recommended distance physics, the occupancy of that train on Thursday was less than 20 percent, reports eKapija.
“Seven seat tickets were sold, in the house and in the sleeping car, like many more. In the same period last year, we sold approximately 25 seats in the sleeping car, 20 in the house and 30 for the seats, ”said the public relations manager of PCG. Jovana Jovanovi, adding that interest in the first departure of the international pedestrian train after the suspension of traffic was slightly higher from the direction of Belgrade, that is, Topider, than from the direction of Bar.
Jovanovi also said that the data shows that the interest to go out on Friday was similar, as the first day.
“The positive is that all the seats in the wagon for the carriage of washed wagons were sold for the departure of Bar on Friday, which shows the justification for the decision to start international traffic by introducing a pedestrian train,” he said Jovanovi.
After stating that in agreement with Serbia it was decided to first introduce a noni train, which, he explained, has a more diverse offer and for which there was greater interest, Jovanovi also announced that depending on the interest of the passengers and the demand in the next period could be set a daily departure on this route.
As he added, the public would be informed about that in a timely manner.
He recalled that passengers traveling from Montenegro to Serbia do not need a PCR test, while having a negative PCR test or a positive or negative Elisa test no longer than 72 hours is valid for passengers coming from countries on the list. yellow, including Serbia.
“Verifying the possession of a negative PCR test or a positive Elisa test no longer than 72 hours is the responsibility of the Sanitary Inspection, which verifies the application of this measure at the Bijelo Polje station, and our train personnel carry out a screening thermal when passengers enter the train and visually check the symptoms, “he explained. Jovanovieva.
As he recalled, according to the recommended measures, passengers in international traffic are obliged to wear protective masks, as well as to maintain a physical distance.
PCG previously announced that the noni train will depart from Bar station at 7 pm, from Podgorica at 8 pm and 5 minutes and from Bijelo Polje at 10.43 pm, arriving in Belgrade at 6:12 am.
The departure of the Topider train is at 9:10 p.m.