Miodrag Kobzarov (57) from the village of Banje near Arandjelovac died in the village of Vrbica near Arandjelovac when, as suspected, he was hit by an “Audi” driven by U. Ž. (19).

Aleksandra Petrović, the victim’s daughter, says in a shocking confession to Kurir that her father was afraid that someone would kill him with a car on the street, because on the road between the villages of Banje and Arandjelovac, they drive arrogantly and have no Counts pedestrians approaching the road.
Stayed longer
– On his fateful day, August 28, Dad was coming home from work. His working hours were until 2 p.m. However, he stayed ten more minutes, and when a colleague asked him why he was not going home, he said he was going on foot and hoped that the workers of another company would disperse, because they were driving crazy. , so he was afraid that someone would kill him with a car. daughter and adds:

– When he returned home, he was walking on his side of the street. Eyewitnesses said that his “Audi” went to meet him. Dad saw it and jumped into the canal to save himself, but the “Audi” caught up with him in the canal and the hit was inevitable. His skull was cracked and he remained dead at the scene, and the car stopped only when it hit a bar. According to our interlocutor, the driver’s airbag opened and passed without injuries. – Now I hear you said that my dad hit the pole, not that he hit his head with a car. In any case, it killed my father, and my father was more afraid of dying in a car accident, Aleksandra says.

They were waiting for him for lunch
She explains that she found out about the tragedy from her father’s colleagues. – Four days before the tragedy, she turned 57, and on the fateful day, my wife and I got married. Her father’s classmates say that she was happy all day and that she sang. We wait for him for lunch and instead a tragedy. Nothing can bring my father back, but I want the culprit to be responsible for his death – says the daughter and emphasizes that it is time for drivers to take more bills and drive more slowly, but also for the authorities to do what can.

– My father was killed in a populated place, and the young man who killed him was probably driving twice as fast as allowed. Recently my wife killed my cat in a car. The cat followed me and the boy down that road. She could also have killed us, because she was talking on the phone – says the surprised woman. The alleged driver was arrested after the accident and brought before the prosecutor.
The driver looks at a point
Aleksandra also claims that U. Ž. she was with them to express her condolences. – They told us they were sorry and that U. Ž. look at a point of the accident, which hit him hard. On the other hand, we hear that she continued her life quite normally. Her parents gave my mom money for daddy’s suit. We do not need that money, we will give it back – says Aleksandra.
Kurir.rs – Jelena Rafailović; Photo: Private Archive

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