THE TRAGEDY OF SPORTS CRYED THE BALKANS Everyone expected to win, but for her the TERRIBLE DISEASE was fatal in the end


A sad day for sport in the Balkans.

Dina Pervan Rabelo, a former member of the Croatian table tennis team, lost her battle with sinister cancer at the age of 30. He passed away after a long and serious illness in a hospital and in the United States, the Croatian Table Tennis Association informed the public.

He played for Pula his entire career and for the past three and a half years he has been battling a horrible bone tumor, sarcoma. After playing the last match of 2017 at the Zagreb Open, wearing the Croatian shirt, he ended up on the operating table. And she believed she would win …

Dina Pervan with her chosen one before the disease struck her ...

Photo: Dina Pervan Rabelo / Facebook

Dina Pervan with her chosen one before the disease struck her …

– Here I am, I’m fine. The operation began at 12:30 p.m. and ended at 2:15 p.m. I feel good and thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support. My phone keeps ringing. I don’t know what awaits me after this operation, chemotherapy or radiation, but I go day by day. I’ll be out of the hospital in about ten days. It is a tumor that I am going to overcome – said Dina in an interview at the beginning of 2018, recalls the Croatian portal 24sata. Still…

Although many believed in her, in the end the disease was stronger.

– You will surely win this toughest battle. His spirit is unwavering, strong and I am sure of his victory – said his coach Bogdan Đekić, adding: – The first pain in his left leg appeared in April 2017. At first he thought it was from training, so he hoped that it will happen. Unfortunately, when she went to the doctor, because the pain intensified, she found out about the diagnosis: fibula sarcoma. She has four chemotherapy treatments behind her, and several more must pass. Then comes rehab because he has foot problems due to a tumor that has affected the nerve, his former coach explained at the time.

Dina pervan

Photo: Dina Pervan Rabelo / Facebook

Dina pervan

Humanitarian actions were organized for her in Croatia, in order to help with treatment, funds were raised for orthopedic aids and medicines that are not on the list of the Croatian health system.

In one of the last public posts on Facebook, from December 2018, when she posted a photo with her chosen Diego Rabel, Dina said: “The only thing I don’t have is my left leg. I don’t have cancer, I’m loved. I have everything.”

Dina Pervan and a photo she posted during chemotherapy

Photo: Dina Pervan Rabelo / Facebook

Dina Pervan and a photo she posted during chemotherapy

However, two years later, the battle that many hoped would end with a favorable outcome, sadly ended in the saddest way.

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