The third dose so far only for the “selected” – the world


A small number of people in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) have been invited to receive a third dose of the Sinofarm coronavirus vaccine after antibody tests showed that they did not develop an adequate immune response after the previous two doses, said Walid Zaher, a spokesman for the United Arab Emirates’ Sinofarm vaccine distributor, G42 Healthcare, as reported by the Washington Post.

The third dose so far just for Photo: EPA-EFE / ALI HAIDER

Therefore, previous announcements that several UAE citizens could receive the third dose of the Sinofarm vaccine were confirmed.

– When it is determined that there are people who do not respond to the vaccine, which is expected for all vaccines, there is a plan to call these people and give them a third dose of the Sinofarm vaccine, which has been shown to strengthen the immune system . system. the answer, Zaher said. According to the data provided by the manufacturer, the efficacy of the Sinofarm vaccine is 79%, but the results of phase three of the clinical trial of this vaccine have not yet been published in scientific journals.

At the moment, there are no announcements that a similar invitation could reach Serbian citizens who have been vaccinated with the Sinofarm vaccine. The Sinofarm vaccine was administered in the UAE as part of the third phase of a clinical trial of this vaccine, which is still approved for use in China, Egypt, Sengal, Peru, Hungary …

Experts from Serbia warned in the previous days that in the case of the Sinofarm vaccine, unlike the others that are administered, the antibodies appear later, that is, they are expected to form two weeks after the second dose, and sometimes more than a month. At the same time, they emphasized that this vaccine is expected to provide protection for up to two years.

In addition to Sinofarm and Pfizer-Biontek, it announced that several people would receive the third dose of the vaccine. As said from Pfizer, so far no more serious forms of the disease have been recorded due to infection with any of the existing variants of the corona virus among people who have been vaccinated.

– However, we want to always be one step ahead of the virus. Therefore, we decided to obtain data on the third dose. The third dose will be given to people who were part of Phase I-II of the clinical trial last summer. We hope that the level of antibodies can increase against current strains, thus strengthening protection, said Mikael Dolsten of Pfizer.

The third dose will be given to a group of 144 people who received the second dose of the vaccine six to 12 months ago. Two doses of the Pfizer vaccine are given 21 days apart, and this vaccine is 95 percent effective.

Kon: No anaphylactic shocks

Epidemiologist Predrag Kon stated yesterday that no case of anaphylactic shock was recorded in some 2.2 million coronavirus vaccines in Serbia. He said that so far about 600 side effects of the vaccine have been recorded in Serbia. He added that the views of those who oppose vaccination are “unsupported.” “The gist is that there is a fear of the vaccine itself, which is completely unfounded,” Kon said, as reported by Prva Televizija.

He reiterated that vaccination gives a stronger immunity than after the disease.

Another 56,000 Pfizer / Biontek vaccine

The quota with 55,990 doses of vaccines from the US-German manufacturer “Pfizer-Biontek” arrived in Serbia yesterday, the Health Ministry announced. The “Pfizer-Biontek” vaccines were delivered to the “Torlak” Institute. During this week a contingent of 100,000 vaccines from the manufacturer “Sputnik V” should arrive in Serbia, and on Thursday an agreement was signed for the purchase of two million new doses of vaccine from the manufacturer “Sinofarm”.

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