THE THIRD CROWN WAVE ARRIVED IN SERBIA: It will be the LONGEST of all and will last perhaps even until April!


According to national experts, it will be the longest of all and, as planned, it will last until March, perhaps even April.

According to calculations, the first wave lasted from March to the end of May, the second from the beginning of June to mid-September, while the third will last up to five months.

Epidemiologist Dr. Sonja Novak says the third wave was definitely surprising and came earlier, because it was expected to start in November.

– Cold weather has started, people now spend more time indoors, which means that under such circumstances, the virus spreads rapidly. This time it affects the virus, so it is very important to emphasize that it is necessary to ventilate the premises and respect protection measures – said Novak.

He noted that wearing masks is very important and that he sees no reason to hold meetings indoors if it is not necessary. This wave is expected to last until April and its intensity will depend exclusively on people’s behavior. I don’t know what the problem is and why it is so difficult to respect the measurements and keep the distance – says Dr. Novak.

As Dr. Novak further explains, a study in Germany has shown that it is very important to ventilate the premises and advise as much as possible to keep windows open and ventilated during this period.

– In the end it all comes down to measurements, masks are necessary for us, the glory period is coming, so there is no meeting, please refrain from that, respect the advice of the profession both for yourself and for the community at large Novak pointed out.


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