The theft of this treasure was LITERALLY like in Mission Impossible! (VIDEO)


The books were stolen from a warehouse in West London a few years ago.

The Romanian police have released a video of the books found, including first editions by authors such as the famous scientists Galileo Galilei and Isaac Newton.

The action, in which around 200 rare books were found, is the culmination of a police operation that lasted more than three years, and included raids in more than 45 addresses in three countries and led to charges against 13 people.

The books were stolen in 2017 from a postal warehouse in Feltham, where they were temporarily stored before being transferred to Las Vegas for a rare book auction.

Two men, Daniel David and Viktor Opariuc, broke into the warehouse by drilling holes in the ceiling and using ropes to descend into the building. In the robbery, which The Guardian describes as an action from the “Mission Impossible” film series, the thieves clung to shelves to avoid sensors that would trigger alarms.

The robbery lasted about five hours and the thieves left the warehouse by the same way they entered. A third man, Narcis Popescu, was waiting for them in a car parked nearby, so the three fled.

The car was later found, cleaned with bleach, indicating detailed planned action.

However, the car was not cleaned well enough, so investigators found traces of DNA from one of the thieves on the headrest. The men were arrested and convicted, and investigators eventually drove the road to the village of Neamt in northeastern Romania. / Index / Guardian

Photo: Romanian police

delivery courier

Author: delivery courier
