The “term” government is waiting for the SPS, Comic is among the 10 new names, and by whom Vucic decided


It is not yet known exactly who will be in Nemanjina 11, because the SPS is waiting for answers from the Ministry of Education and a ministry without a portfolio. The progressives announced who will be the ministers they have chosen from their ranks, but also from the ranks of other parties. On Wednesday, the prime minister-designate is expected to present ministers to deputies, as well as the new government’s one-year goals. There are 10 new names in the future government, various non-partisan personalities, including Dr. Darija Kisić Tepavčević. Gordana Čomić is in charge of human and minority rights.

The cabinet at Nemanjina 11 will be the most diverse yet. Nine ministers were hired from the previous call, however, six new ministers of political life are known: some from the Serbian Progressive Party, some from other public officials and some from the Democratic Party.

Those least known to the public are Maja Popović, who comes to the Ministry of Justice from the BIA, and Tomislav Momorović, who comes from the private sector to a state position in the Ministry of Infrastructure. Andjelka Atanaskovic from Prva petroletka will be the head of the Ministry of Economy, as well as journalist Ratko Dmitrovic from Aleksandar Sapcac’s party, who looks after the family.

“We are waiting for a response from the SPS for a department and a ministry without a portfolio, there were some disagreements within the SNS about the potential name of one of the ministers without a portfolio and no other decision was made; you should consult with the prime minister and have him leave “. tomorrow, during the day, ”said the president of that party, Aleksandar Vučić, after the session of the SNS Presidency.

While awaiting the final list, it is known that the most important task of the new mandate government will be the fight against the mafia. When the president asked why he rotated the ministers Nebojsa Stefanovic and Aleksandar Vulin, the answer still comes from the president of the progressives.

“I proposed that change as I proposed for Zoran, as I proposed some other things,” Vucic responded in place of the designated prime minister.

N1: So you formed this government?

Vučić: No, it will be formed by the deputies. Ana (Brnabić) suggested some other things. You know we talk and make arrangements. And if someone thinks that the punishment goes to the Ministry of Defense, I have to tell them that in some way it is my ministry, and if someone wants to say that it is a punishment, think about it.

In the end, we did not receive a concrete answer to the question why the leader of the progressives castled. Prime Minister-designate Ana Brnabić did not respond to journalists’ questions, did not speak about their proposals, only read the list of ministers.

“We will have 22 or 23 here, but 21 departments and of the total members of the Government, we mean 23 or 24, we will see, up to 11 are women, which means about 50 percent,” Brnabić said.

One of the women joining the Government from the Serbian Progressive Party, SPS and SPAS is a former high-ranking Democratic Party official, Gordana Comic, who was assigned the Ministry of Human Rights and Social Dialogue.

“We never agreed on anything, I once said on television that I respect the way she acts politically, regardless of the fact that she and her family were the most prominent in all the protests against me personally and against the SNS,” he said Vucic.

Apart from the composition of the new government, the leader of the progressives also announced the holding of a party assembly for March next year.

N1: Is it a session in which you will resign as head of the SNS? You’ve been announcing for years that your predecessor Tomislav Nikolić did it right away … What’s the problem for you doing it too?

Vučić: There will be big changes in the SNS, but we will leave it to the members of the Serbian Progressive Party … I’m not sure what you support in all this, so I can’t tell you if you will be happy or not, but I am convinced that SNS people will be satisfied with our solutions.

Since he became head of state, Aleksandar Vučić has promised to leave the party, but that has not happened. In the last parliamentary elections he was the head of the SNS list from the position of president of the state, and there is no doubt that the biggest changes in the future cabinet of Ana Brnabić were decided, as he himself says, by him.
