The temperature drops to 10 degrees, heavy rain and snow WEATHER ALARM IS ON



Photo: Beta Dragan Gojić, Printscreen

In the last few days, it seemed like winter was slowing down because we had quite high temperatures for this time of year and real spring weather. However, the cyclone that arrives tonight from the Mediterranean brings cooling with rains and showers, while it will snow again on the mountain.

– A secondary cyclone formed over the Gulf of Genoa this morning, and today it will move through northern Italy towards the Adriatic. During the afternoon and evening between Sunday and Monday, this cyclone will strengthen and move from the Adriatic Sea through the Balkan Peninsula, and its center through our area and to the north and west of Serbia and more northeast, meteorologist Djordje Djuric wrote on his Facebook profile.

According to forecasts, this cyclone will cause heavier clouds with rain and showers in Serbia on Sunday afternoon, as well as in the evening between Sunday and Monday, thunderstorms are expected in some places with the penetration of the cold front, while snow is expected. in the mountains.

Temperature drop by 10 degrees

– A moderate to strong south wind will turn to a strong northwest on Sunday afternoon and overnight after the cold front penetrates, and will be very strong, gusts and storms. The crossing of the cyclone and the penetration of the cold front will cause the penetration of significantly cooler air masses from the north and northwest through the Pannonian plain, thus a more significant drop in temperature of more than 10 degrees is expected, and rain on Sunday night and overnight in western Serbia to turn into sleet and snow – wrote Đurić.

photo: Print screen / RHMZ

On Monday morning, the rain will turn to sleet and snow in the lower parts of Serbia, except in the south and southeast of Serbia. The precipitation will stop in the morning and clear, so it is expected to be sunny in the middle of the day.

Temperatures will range from 4 degrees in the northwest to 10 degrees in the southeast of Serbia. It is expected that from tonight to Monday morning in most of Serbia, 10 to 20 mm of precipitation per square meter, locally and more, will fall, with the most abundant precipitation in northern and western Serbia.

New wave of precipitation

– The new wave of precipitation that is expected from Monday at the end of the day until Tuesday in the middle of the day will bring another 5 to 15 mm of precipitation, locally and more, so that the total from Sunday afternoon to Tuesday in Serbia It is expected to drop by 15 to 35mm, locally and more than 40mm, but for now, no problem with water levels in rivers is expected, although there will be an increase in water levels in smaller rivers and then in the middle – affirmed Đurić.

Rain, Storm, Belgrade, City, city
photo: Zorana Jevtić

Already on Monday at the end of the day and during the night, new clouds with precipitation are expected from the Mediterranean.

Tuesday will be cloudy and moderately cold with snow in Serbia. A layer of snow will form in most areas and the existing one will increase in the mountains. However, the maximum temperatures will be in the plus, so the snow cover will melt. As the snow will be very wet, damp and heavy, there will be the possibility of breaking branches or damaging the electrical network.

The weather alarm sounds

“Overnight, it cools down with rain and snow. Monday morning and Monday through Tuesday night, wet snow. Tuesday through Thursday cold, occasionally light snow with creating less snow cover at the bottom and increase in higher areas, “reads the RHMZ announcement.

In addition, according to the announcements of the meteorologists, tomorrow a yellow weather alarm will go off in Serbia, on the territory of the entire country.

As stated in the explanation, a yellow weather alarm means that the weather can be (potentially) dangerous. Weather events that are forecast are not uncommon, but caution is needed if planning activities that are exposed to weather hazards. Information on forecast weather conditions should be continued. Don’t take unnecessary risks.


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Author: delivery courier
