The teacher and actress Olivera Viktorović revealed everything about the Aleksić archive (VIDEO)



26.01.2021. 21:28

“For me this is a total shock, the images we saw are images when the cameras are on, I immediately wondered what it would be like when they weren’t.”

Olivera Viktorović Đurašković, in addition to numerous awards in the field of acting, has been dedicated to pedagogical work since 1989, and since 2003 she has also received the title of Assistant Professor. She is also the author of many textbooks for the education of the very young, which is why we told her about the current case of Miroslav Aleksić.

– I started doing pedagogical work quite early, in the XII Gymnasium of Belgrade, which is the period of adolescence, the first, second grade of secondary school and it was divine. So there was no plan or program, but I made the plan myself based on what was done at the Academy: Olivera began the story about his work with young people in the field of acting.

Some time later, Olivera became an assistant to her former teacher Petar Banićević at the BK Academy, received the title of assistant teacher and continued working with Mirjana Karanović and spent 22 years there as a teacher, but at the same time with her husband she founded ” Pan Theater “for children and I work with the little ones.

Olivera also explained what it should really be like to work with children and young people in interpretation classes and what her task really is as a pedagogue and teacher:

– All the exercises and everything that is done concerns the same things in both adults and children, with the fact that we have to adapt to their age, there is less concentration in the little ones, and the goal is to relax them, free themselves, gain security, that is our task! Not everyone will go to act or direct, maybe they will do some related or diametrically opposite activity, if she is a salesperson in the store it is wonderful to know how to speak, smile, be kind … I think our task is to free children, to have them a proper attitude to become mature and normal people, healthy people – said Olivera.

Olivera comments on the case of Miroslav Aleksić and the recordings of his once “higher pedagogy”, as some have characterized it:

These are lifelong traumas, at least I personally think so. Children are different, just like students, 11 of them in the class are each for them, it cannot be approached in the same way. You need to know what it is that will open it up, which will help you progress. I must tell you that otherwise I am an opponent of any violent method, insult, because especially in children, and in students, and sometimes in adults it very often causes imprisonment, blockage, fear, insecurity – said Olivera and added:

It is easier to manipulate these little souls, of course we all bring something from home, but that’s not all, we learn a lot about the environment, most of the day we spend in kindergarten, school, university.… And that is why I think it is very important that as parents we follow our children as much as possible – said the actress and added that there is still a dose of fear in children, her daughter who is also an actress was surprised when they asked her now if they would she said she had a similar situation to Milena Radulović:

– My husband asked her if she would say, because we teach children to tell us everything, and she replied “Well, I don’t know dad, don’t get mad, but I don’t think so, I would be afraid that you would kill him and then go to jail “So it is very clear to me why these children are silent, apart from the ambition to be actresses, it is someone who raised them in a certain way – she said and explained how shocked she was by everything that happened:

Olivera Viktorović

Olivera Viktorović, Photo: YouTube screenshot

For me this is a total shock, the images we saw are images when the cameras are on, I immediately wondered what it would be like when they were not. I saw him when he said “how stupid you are” and I don’t know what else, but I didn’t see what they were doing. What are they doing specifically, what exercises are they doing, what is being done with that act there? What still puzzled me and what I did not know was that the parents were removed in the sense that now you have brought a child and I have nothing to do with you anymore. That is the first alarm that I, as a parent, cannot call. If I notice in class or it seems to me that a child has a problem with something, if he has difficulty concentrating, has a problem with his voice, I will talk to the parents or point out something, perhaps I will take him to a speech therapist. or something like that – Olivera pointed out the first alarms parents should notice.

– That school was a brand, it was known that these were “wonderful” methods, some children who dropped out of Mika’s school came to me and that’s how I learned about their methods. Also, my husband worked in “Dusko Radovic”, as an organizer in the period when Mika Aleksic came, it was also the time of the attack, it was not a normal situation there. It looked like a war movie there, they had to come in uniform, they were lining up. Then I met two colleagues who were about to retire and they told me that they had been entrusted with the “war task” of fetching sugar. It was scary even then and many left the theater at that time, some stayed but fought against it. I think his treatment of a lot of employees was equal to this treatment of children: Olivera told his story that he knows about the director, and then he also referred Milena Radulović and Iva Ilinčić:

– What Milena, Iva and other anonymous girls did, I think they did for Serbia and the women in Serbia much more than many and somewhere I think this is a turning point and that nothing will be the same after this. The whole region has risen, there is much more with these patriarchal forms – Olivera concluded, adding that now is the right time for the state to intervene and start educating young people about violence, abuse with psychologists and lawyers. That seminars be held, that girls, but also boys, know where to cross the border – said the actress clearly.


Another victim of Mika called the police today, read all about it HERE.
