The tax calculated is an EQUATION WITH 6 UNKNOWN


The real confusion among 100,000 self-employed in Serbia was due to the announcement of the Tax Administration that, “due to the high established rate of non-payment of taxes by natural persons based on data on payments from abroad”, interest. Many have calculated that the tax, whose formula has up to 6 unknowns, will cost them up to 80 percent of their income!

Although, of course, there are some among them who knowingly neglected their tax obligations, there are a large number of the so-called “self-employed” who received smaller monthly sums for their work and were not sufficiently informed about how they should declare foreign income.

When, after the announcement of the Tax Administration, they tried to calculate their tax, that is, “self-limit”, they encountered an insurmountable obstacle: there is no single formula for the calculation, but the figure depends on many related factors.

“I called the Tax Administration to ask about my obligations and how to report, they simply told me that I had to know it myself and I hung up,” says one of the freelancers who tried to find out these days if he owes and how much he owes.

A lot of work for accountants

The assessment of the experts is that the “freelancers” will hardly be able to calculate their obligations by themselves. Many have tried and the conclusion is that something like this is very difficult in practice, because the amount of taxes and contributions depends on many factors: the type of income, and whether it is royalties or a work contract, whether the self-employed is permanently employed in another company. or not … And that’s not the end.

The differences are numerous, from tax rates to allowable non-taxable deductions. Thus, for example, in the case of fees, the deduction ranges from 34 to 50 percent. In the case of an employment contract, it is 20 percent.

According to some calculations, when all the elements are taken into account, the obligations of the self-employed range between 29.5 and 80 percent.

 Photo: Shutterstock

Likewise, the taxpayer himself must know if our country has an agreement to avoid double taxation with the state where the funds come from. The most common case is that the tax is paid according to the place of residence of the person who receives the income, which would mean that the largest number of self-employed have to pay the obligations in our country.

Some experts believe that a good solution could be to determine the monthly non-taxable amount, because many self-employed earn small amounts, so the only expense would be the calculation of the tax they have to pay.

Self-employed: we only export our mind

Freelancers typically offer software development, translation, foreign language classes, promotion, and graphic design services on various digital platforms. But, there are also people who earn income from social networks, gambling on the internet or who rent an “apartment for a day.” A special control focus, according to the announcements, should be on payment cards opened abroad.

Many freelancers are disappointed with the current situation.

“In general, the self-employed who work abroad export only their intelligence, so they do not take anything from the State, neither land, nor fruits, nor minerals, they do not pollute the air, nothing. They spend it here in a store, a restaurant … Instead of stimulating this type of business, a very high obstacle is placed on it, “said one of the self-employed who struggles these days over whether to pay taxes and how much to pay. your work.

Finance Minister Siniša Mali said that the tax must be paid and that possible deductions can be agreed in the future. He also told the self-employed that if they don’t know how to calculate the tax themselves, they can hire an advisor, and he also sent them some more important messages.
