The symptoms of corona in children are as follows



05.09.2020. 21:35 – 05.09.2020. 21:57

Diarrhea and vomiting can be key symptoms of kovida-19 in children, the scientists claim, which would mean that the official symptom list needs to be updated.

Kindergarten, food, children

Kindergarten, food, children, Photo: Profimedia

Official lists of infection symptoms korona virusom Children currently have three symptoms: a high fever, frequent cough, and loss of the sense of smell or taste, which was added in May.

Numerous studies in adults have identified a number of other symptoms including muscle pain, fatigue, confusion, chest pain, and stomach problems. A study from King’s College London divided these symptoms in adults into six groups, with astrological problems forming a single group.

Now researchers at Queen’s University in Belfast claim that nausea and stomach problems are the main symptoms of kovid-19 in children, writes the “Guardian.”

– In our group, diarrhea and vomiting were more predictive than, say, cough or even smell and taste disorders. If you really want to diagnose an infection in children, you should start looking for diarrhea and vomiting, and not just respiratory symptoms, said one of the study’s authors, Tom Waterfield.

Pupils of children school students

School pupils of children, Photo: EPA-EFE / CHRISTIAN BRUNA

He emphasized that the percentage of positives in relation to the number of analyzed based on three existing symptoms is around 76 percent, while adding gastrointestinal problems to the list of symptoms would confirm the virus in 97 percent of cases.

The study was carried out in the spring and lasted more than three months. Approximately 900 children under the age of 15 participated in it, none of whom were in a condition that required hospitalization.

The children were screened for antibodies and data was also collected on whether they had any of the symptoms. This information was collected before the results of the antibody test were revealed, which was crucial to the validity of the study.


deca, Photo: Shutterstock

The scientists found that 6.9 percent of those surveyed developed antibodies, that is, the disease, while among them about 50 percent developed some of the symptoms. In most cases, it was fever (31 percent), headache (18 percent), and gastrointestinal problems – diarrhea, vomiting, and stomach cramps (19 percent).

Although their study found diarrhea and vomiting to be clear symptoms, Waterfield emphasized that the results were important for another reason.

“This study shows parents that many children get colds during the winter, but this does not automatically mean that they are positive for the corona,” he said.

Professor Tim Spector of King’s College London said the findings were based on previous research by his team.

– Our data collected from nearly 250,000 children through apps for the study of kovida-19 symptoms, suggested that younger people who are positive for the coronavirus have or may develop a wide range of symptoms of the disease, with no coughs. as common as in adults, ”Spector said.

He emphasized that gastrointestinal problems were noted in adults as well, but were more common in children, compared to other symptoms.
