The student presented evidence of his abduction at the Patriarchate, and the church is silent for now


A student at the Academy of Arts of the Serbian Orthodox Church, Marko Zharkov, who claims he was abducted and mistreated this February on the orders of Bishop Stefan Saric, today requested an appointment with Patriarch Irinej to hand over investigation documents that, according to Zharkov , prove the participation of the vicar of the patriarch in his kidnapping. And while the student, in addition to the official investigation led by the Superior Prosecutor’s Office, also asks to be confronted before the church court, the church is silent.

On February 8, he was walking down the street, only then was he kidnapped and beaten, and the death threats went with the message: we are solving the problem between you and Bishop Stefan Šarić.

He reported everything to the police on February 9.

Meanwhile, two policemen who participated in the kidnapping were suspended, a third, a civilian, is still at large, Bishop Stefan has not received a summons for questioning until today and the office of the SOC chief was informed on June 1.

Marko Zharkov, a student at the Academy of Arts of the Serbian Orthodox Church, brought to the Patriarchate a folder with the documents of the police and the investigation of the accusation to, as he himself says, hand it over to the Patriarch.

He claimed that he had no information about the kidnapping, and that he did not believe the bishop could have done so. That is why today I bring a detailed description of what happened in February of this year, including my beating and the kidnapping that, I claim, was preceded by a discussion. and the threats from Bishop Stefan, where he threatened me and promised that what happened to me would happen to me, “Zharkov said.

An hour later, Zharkov left the Patriarchate without a folder; it remained on the application form because it did not find the patriarch.

“Then a friend from within came up to me and said: don’t wait, the patriarch was redirected to another direction because of the whole situation and he won’t be here today,” Zharkov said.

The student claims that he had a conflict with Bishop Stefan, otherwise the vicarious bishop of the patriarch and the elder of the Temple of San Sava, last November, because of a woman.

Zharkov explains that he has proof of correspondence between his ex-girlfriend and the bishop, which indicates a love story, that he hides it in safer places, and that is why he is still threatened today.

The journalist of the portal Nova Vojislav Milovancevic says that he reviewed all the details of this case and that he tried several times in different ways to contact Bishop Stefan and that he is not clear why the bishop did not respond to these accusations.

“Someone really had to tell those policemen, someone who has the power, to order them to do those things outside of work hours, to take the guy to some area of ​​Batajnica to harass him, I don’t even think the bishop himself could have done that. do it, but it’s probably through some people, his friends, who he told – I have a problem. But of course, I have to stress – it’s just doubts, “says Milovancevic.

Probably never before has a press conference been held in front of the Patriarchate for this reason. Zharkov says that his intention is not to embarrass the church, that he still has confidence in it and that is why he is ready to face Bishop Stefan before the Church Court.
