The state was willing to pay the missing money!



03.12.2020. 22:53

The president said that children are treated with SMS throughout the world, much more than in our country.

Aleksandar Vučić

Aleksandar Vučić, Photo: Printscreen

Today came good news, and it is that money has been raised for the treatment man Anike Manić, and the president revealed that he spoke by phone with the mother of little Anika, and that the state was willing to hand over the missing money.

– I would also like to thank the Hungarian government, Peter Sijart, who said that they would even give money until it was collected. The problem was with drugs, which were not registered in Europe, not in Denmark, not in Hungary, but in America.

The president said that children are treated with SMS throughout the world, much more than in our country.

– You have to pay dearly to take a child to the dentist. At kovid hospitals abroad, a day per child costs $ 10,000.

The president then said the data better shows how much the state helped sick children, saying that from 2008 to 2012 the average number of children whose treatment was paid for by the state was 84 in total, while from 2013 to 2020 it was year were treated on average. 423 children at the expense of the state. By year – President Vučić emphasized.

– There is a disease that is very rare, it is called spinal muscular atrophy. 540,000 euros cost the treatment the first year, more than 200,000 each year for the rest of your life. We really do try to fight, and I would ask all of you who disagree with us, not to rejoice if the hospital is delayed with opening for a day, not to rejoice when we fight the virus and disease. We fight for children, people must understand that we are not monsters who do not treat children.
